seventeen | expensive

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It was the morning of Christmas Eve when Harry woke up with a hard on and sweat plastered on his forehead that he realized how much he was attracted to the boy sleeping next to him in his bed. Sure, he knew that before, but this had never happened to him near anybody else. He never had a wet dream about someone he fancied, though he also never had a boyfriend in his entire life--Louis happened to be his first for nearly everything.

Harry hesitantly glanced to his left to see if Louis was awake, then sighed with relief when he saw that his eyes were closed and his chest was rising and falling from sleep. He could either get out of bed to go to the bathroom, therefore, causing Louis to wake up and question why Harry was taking so long in there, or he could stay in the same spot--take a chance--and hopefully get off as quietly as he could. Both plans were not something that he figured he'd like, but having an erection in tight black boxers was not comfortable.

Slowly, he let his hand slide down his boxers and wrap around his cock, though he made sure to grit his teeth together so that he didn't make a sound. Just as he brushed his thumb across his slit, he felt Louis stir next to him and stopped. His cheeks go red when Louis turned his head in his direction even though he was still asleep. It made Harry feel a bit more exposed, but he continued to rub his thumb against the head while stroking himself.

This felt exciting, yet so wicked, and it should not turn Harry on this much at how secretive he was being, but it does. He accidentally lets a groan slip out of his mouth as he tugged on his cock, but it's so low that it couldn't really give away what he was doing. Realizing that Louis probably would not be waking up anytime soon, Harry let all of his fears dissolve and began to get himself off quicker, allowing himself to let his hips rise off of the bed to get more friction. He was so close that he could feel it inside of his tummy.

"If you needed help getting off, then you could have asked." Louis whispered in his ear hoarsely, and before Harry could react, Louis was pushing Harry's hand away and replacing it with his own. "You're my boyfriend now, I can help you with these kind of things."

The word 'boyfriend' sounded so beautiful coming out of Louis' mouth, and Harry couldn't help but shakily moan and clench his eyes shut as he let Louis get him off. He doesn't hold back anymore with his breathing, which was heavy and hurried as he neared his orgasm. Having Louis' hand wrapped around his cock felt like heaven, being here with Louis felt like heaven, and he could not believe that he had this boy all to himself. 

"Louis, Louis," said Harry breathily, then he came into Louis' hand with a muffled cry; his back arching off of the bed and his toes curling underneath the sheets. 

Louis chuckled lowly and pulled his hand away, bringing it up to his mouth so that he could suck the come off of his fingers while they looked each other in the eye, and Harry swore that he lost his breath when Louis said: "Happy birthday to me."

They took a shower together, and it should have been awkward to Harry since it was all so new to him, but he felt more relaxed than he had in a long time. They didn't do anymore naughty things because Louis knew that Harry wasn't ready for anything more than a handjob, so they washed each other's hair and giggled whenever soap almost got in their eyes. While Harry watched Louis stand under the shower head with his eyes closed, water cascading down his face and onto his chest, he questions how someone could be so beautiful--without saying it aloud of course.

It took them an hour or less to get out of the shower, but Harry didn't mind because seeing Louis naked was probably the highlight of his day, and the day hadn't even started yet. They came downstairs several minutes after when they smelled bacon, holding hands like any lovesick couple would after being with each other for too long. Anne was putting plates of food on the table while speaking to both Snake and Gemma, who were sitting down with forks in their hands and bright smiled on their faces.

"Happy birthday, Louis!" They all shouted when they saw the two, and Harry could feel Louis squeeze his hand tightly from the sudden noise.

"Thanks," mumbled Louis politely as they took a seat at the table, his cheeks becoming rosy when Harry's mother put a stack of pancakes with a smiley face on them in front of him . Harry expected Louis to show how obviously uncomfortable he was about the celebration, but he coud tell that Louis was desperately trying not to let it show from the way his smile came out forced. "I really appreciate this, Mrs.Styles."

"Please, call me Anne. 'Mrs' makes me sound old."

"I feel old," joked Louis as he let go of Harry's hand and grabbed his fork so that he could eat. Harry whined at the loss, getting flustered when he saw Gemma raise an eyebrow at him from across the table. "How did you guys sleep?"

"Snake is the loudest yawner ever, so I was practically up all night." Gemma said in reply, laughing when Snake threw a piece of his bacon at her cheek and grumbled something about the bed being too soft for him to not take advantage of. "How about you guys?"

"We stayed up until it was 12 in the morning because I wanted to be the first one that said happy birthday to him, and our friend Niall almost beat me by two seconds. He literally called right when I finished saying it." Harry explained triumphantly, taking a bite of his pancake, which happened to be--graciously-- doused in maple syrup. He licked his lip across his bottom lip quickly so that it wouldn't get sticky, and stopped eating when he felt Louis squeeze his inner thigh and rub them.

"Are you okay, Harry? You just got so silent all of a sudden." Anne said worriedly. "Are the pancakes making you sick?"

No, my boyfriend is being an tease is what Harry wanted to say, but he didn't want his mother to grow even more concerned. "No, I'm perfect. Could you pass the syrup? I think I'm gonna need a little bit more."


how to: steal someone's boyfriend. [larry stylinson] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now