five | hold me down

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Surprisingly, Harry managed to find his new dorm on his own, being that when he was moving in his mother brought them up here so that he didn't have to do it himself. The dorm hall was only filled with a minimum amount of people, so it was pretty quiet for the most part, which Harry appreciated immensely. His hand sat on top of his door knob and he began to twist it around, feeling his nerves bundle up inside him as his thoughts became too much.

What if the roommate he had was really sloppy and left their underwear all over the room? He was so use to having his new room, so the thought of sharing it with someone else made him feel a little strange. After gathering enough courage, Harry opened the door to his room and walked inside, tensing almost immediately when he saw Louis straddling Zayn on the floor.

Louis had his lips attached to Zayn's neck when Harry saw them, his head snapping upward when he heard someone walk inside of the room. His blue eyes looked wild and the tiniest bit embarrassed as he scrambled off of Zayn, standing up with red cheeks before Zayn could do the same. "Oh, hello Harry. I'm sorry about that."

While he looked sorry, Zayn was smirking and had the smuggest look on his face as he stared at Harry, brushing himself off deliberately as his arm snaked around Louis' waist. "I'm gonna go now, baby. Art class is about to start and I can't be late this time."

Louis jutted out his bottom lip so that he could pout, and despite the circumstances, Harry bit back his smile because Louis was just too cute for his own good. God, am I a terrible person? he thought with frustration. Zayn leaned forward and kissed Louis on the top his head gently, his hand moving far below Louis' back. "You said that you'd skip today, Z."

"Maybe next time, okay? I'll speak to you later. Goodbye, Harry." stated Zayn with a fake smile as he pushed past Harry and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him and leaving the two in the room by themselves. Louis seemed to have zoned out for a bit because his eyes were glued on the closed door with an unreadable expression, but he was back to normal as soon as Harry cleared his throat.

"Oh right, sorry about all of that. So roommates, huh? Isn't this cool?" said Louis as he cracks a smile, and Harry is glad that it's a genuine one. Louis looks over to the bags stacked on top of Harry's bed and walks over, glancing at the curly haired boy for approval. "Do you need some help?"

"I mean- you can. If you want to of course. I'm not going to force you because I certainly have two hands." said Harry quickly, causing Louis to laugh with amusement at the guy's uneasiness.

"If you didn't want me to go through your things, you could've just said so. I'm scared about what I might find anyways." responded Louis with a slight shrug, unaware of the way Harry was becoming flustered from just looking at him. Harry tried to laugh at the joke, but he kind of was worried because he wasn't sure of which bag he put his special things inside of. Louis sat down on his own newly made bed and pulled his laptop from underneath his pillow, opening it up while looking at Harry. "Maybe when you're done, you could watch crappy movies with me on Netflix since Zayn has art class."

"I could just put my things away later and we can just do it now- it as in the movie." he blurted out, causing Louis to frown.

"I wish Zayn would do that for me, like drop everything. He's always too busy." Does he know that half of the time he's probably just with Liam hanging out? Louis lay on his stomach and pats the spot next to him on the bed, gesturing for Harry to come over as he logged into Netflix.

And that's how Harry found himself lying shoulder to shoulder next to Louis while holding his breath because he knew how shaky it would be. He felt overwhelmed being next to someone as pretty as Louis, and he had to refrain from touching his cheekbones to see if they were real. The movie that was chosen by Louis was The Notebook, and the boy must have watched this multiple times because he memorized nearly all of the lines. Harry knew nothing about this movie so far except for that it was just another love story with a basic plot, kind of like his life at the moment.

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