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This is after eggs benedict; I know its short but hey, I tried. <3

Also credits to (I think) Dorito falls on tumblr for the art!
Also also, they are 13 in this! Eggs Benedict, in this fan art, happens when they're older : )

Preston held his knees, covering his mouth on the top of his knee caps. He was sure he had stained the green jeans he was wearing, but he couldn't stop his tears. He covered his mouth so that he was quiet; he didn't want people to mock him. Or worse, Nurf finding him. He shuddered at the thought.

He leant against the wooden walls of the amphitheater, wincing at the small pain that shot through his back. He was glad no one came here apart from him, and his friends. Alas, it was 7pm, so he figured no one would be there, as they were in the Mess Hall. Which meant he could sob his heart out.

He sighed lowly, the started rolling his jeans up to his knees. They were wet, but they were also full of scratches and blood. Preston moved his head closer, and noticed the whole of his left leg was purple. He also noticed the right was turning a sickly green, with scratches all over.

He sighed, then stopped hugging his legs, and leant his head against the wall. It stung, but he didn't mind, his whole body ached worse pains. He looked to the side of him, and saw the pair of glasses he was given to hide his black eye. They were winged, and had a dark grey tint in the middle. The paint was scraping off, revealing its original silver color.

He brought it up to his eye, trying to see if the tinted glass could give him a slight reflection of himself. Though it was slight, he saw the outlines of his face. the black eye, the bloody nose, the bruised lip. He wanted to puke at the sight, and quickly looked away. Just as he was about to start crying again, he heard footsteps, and three familiar voices.

'Hellooooo? Prestonnnnn?' A familiar cheery voice called out, slurring the ends of her words. Preston paled.


He tried to get up, but he only slipped when he tried, landing on his back. He let out a sob, and then just gave up.

'What was that? Preston, are you okay?' A nervous voice said, a lot of fear evident in their voice. Preston would probably sound similar if he spoke right now.

He slid the sunglasses over his eye, and rolled his jeans back down. He did the same to his sleeves, then raised the yellow and orange collar around his throat a bit higher so the hand marks weren't visible.

Though it all looked dark, he peered through the glasses and noticed three people running to him. He sighed, noticing who it was. Neil, Nikki, and Satan himself, Max. They probably came to make fun of him, huh?

Once they reached Preston, they crowded around him, Neil with his hands on his knees and Nikki also out of breath. Max, was just looking down at Preston, making the injured boy nervous. It seemed as if they were going to say something, but Preston quickly spoke as a distraction.

'O-Oh! It seems you have er...w-walked in on my er...acting break! Yeah! Sorry about that, I'm not usually this tired.' Preston stuttered multiple times, out of pure worry. He hoped he sounded convincing enough, and to add extra effect, he cracked a wide smile.

'Phew, we were worried!' Neil wiped off some sweat on his head with his hand, still breathing hard. 'However, you look seriously damaged man- Like bruises and blood everywhere. You're also so much more pale then usual, and your eyes are puffy-'

'Ahaha! Don't worry! Its just for the uhm...s-scene! Where er, the boy falls into a bunch of thorn bushes! H-Hah.

'Ouch!' Nikki exclaimed, wincing and shuddering at the thought. 'Welp, when you come back to camp, let me know! I saved you some pudding. Oh, and we also had eggs!' Nikki smiled widely, her hands on her hips. Preston gave a large smile back, but he seriously just wished he had died right there. He didn't think he'd be able to eat, his stomach would be too weak. However, he just waved as Neil and Nikki went off, sighing.

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