Dared dates and unrealistic fates (Part One)

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Max gets dared to ask Preston out after he loses a bet with Nikki. God he did NOT expect him to say yes, and he definitely didn't expect it to go this fucking wrong.


''Hell yeah! Run me my money, Max!'' Nikki whisper shouted, jumping up and down.

''God fucking dammit.'' Max mumbled, visibly very pissed off. He took out a 10$ note and slapped it into Nikki's hands.

You see, Max and Nikki had this..bet, going on, about who Neil had a crush on. Nikki betted on Harrison, while Max betted on Space kid. Ten bucks and a whole week of chores for the loser. And, unfortunately for Max, the two troublemakers found Harrison and Neil confessing to each other in an empty class room.

''God, why in a classroom anyway? That's the least romantic place to confess to someone.'' Max rolled his eyes, shoving his hands in his blue zip up hoodie.

'' Eh, I'm not complaining. I still get my money and my chores done.'' Nikki smiled evilly, putting the ten bucks in her shoes. It was a habit of hers to randomly place things in her shoes.

Max groaned, ''Can I like, not do the chore thing? I'd rather do anything else then wash your dirty ass shirts that are probably infested with bugs and shit.''

''Hm..okay! But..I have to give you a dare!'' Nikki said, walking back the other way so Harrison and Neil could have their own space.

''Ugh, just tell me the fucking dare so I can get this over with.'' Max walked alongside her, rolling his eyes. It was probably going to be something about ordering her 15 boxes of pizza or going on an adventure with her.

''I dare you to..hm..'' Nikki put her finger on her chin, then started looking around for something that could correlate to a good dare. The two walked past classrooms and water fountains, but then a bill board. The club bill board. Nikkis eyes darted around different posters, and then she finally settled on one. Theatre club. She knew exactly what to do.

''I dare you to ask out your crush, and make him enjoy the date.''

Max paled. Preston Goodplay? The schools star student, entertainer and theatre ambassador? He had to be the most seeked out male, there's no way he would settle for Max. ''There's no fucking way. I'd rather do your chores for two weeks.''

''Nah. You lost the bet, so you're doing what I told you to do.'' Nikki smiled evilly, closing her eyes and holding her head up high.

''Whatever.. Fuck off Nikki.'' Max spat on Nikki's shoes, and then started walking ahead of her. He heard a distant 'Good luck!', which he just ignored. He had more important things to think of. Like how the fuck he was going to do this.

''You have to tell me everything!'' Preston exclaimed, his eyes shining with stars.

''Calm down Preston, it was just a kiss.'' Harrison mumbled, his face red. ''Besides, I don't even know how it's like with me and Neil.''

''Aw man..well, you must take a seat! I'll hand you some tea.'' Preston exclaimed, pushing Harrison onto a red seat as he darted around his room to make the tea. He lived on his own in his dorm, so it was always pleasant to have guests. He went to his small kitchen and went to the tea cabinet. ''I'm guessing you'd like hibiscus tea?''

''You know me so well Preston. Ooh, and can I have the silver cup? It's really cute.'' Preston laughed, then nodded. He started making the tea, then handed it over to Harrison. ''Thanks Juliet.'' He teased.

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