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Max and Preston have been dating for two years now. Prestons at his show, just finishing off preforming his final song. He gets off stage. He gets a call from Max. A drunk Max.

Prestons heart breaks when he realises why he drunk.

(Theyre 19/20 in this. There's no sex though. Just angst and then fluff. How I adore happy endings.)

Preston slammed the last note with his fist, then banged his head against the piano. The whole crowd clapped, and midway before it died down, the lights turned higher, and Preston got off his stool. He curtsied, the whole crowd clapping again. Some people even screaming. He grabbed the mic, screaming thank yous and blowing kisses at his fans. He slowly walked off stage, waving as he did.

As he made it backstage, he swung open the door of his changing room. Ah, how much he loved it. The pages of different songs he's written stuck on his walls, pinned with golden pins. His beautiful gemstudded vanity was glimmering brightly under the pink light in his room, bringing out the gold engravements on the vanity. The room was cluttered, but it was a nice clutter. Everything was busy, and that's how Preston liked it. From the stars on his ceiling, to the costume rack, to the dangling pens above it.

He looked himself up and down in the mirror. The golden demonias he was wearing, as well as the white shorts with gold chains connected to them. Gold bracelets and rings decorated his long, slender hands. His shirt, a white, short v neck, was covered by a golden flannel, with first features on itAnd, of course, his flamed glasses, which really brought out his amber eyes. Along with his white makeup too. God, he was so lucky to have someone as good as Nerris to help him with his show costumes. He should thank her later.

He slowly grabbed all his belongings he had brought from home, like the bracelets, and the rings, and more. As well as his favourite picture of Max. Max's eyes were closed, a wide smile on his face as David's dog licked him on the cheek. Preston adored that man so much. He grabbed his phone, then headed out of the room, and the building entirely. Not without being stopped from fans who wanted a picture or a signature. The perks and faults of being famous.

Preston looked at his phone. 11:30pm, huh? It really did take long. Luckily, his house was only 15 minutes on foot, which would be fine. No one really went out at these times, so he'd be fine, hopefully. This wasn't his old town, he wouldn't be assaulted. He wouldn't get hurt. He kept telling himself that anyway, true or false. He analysed every detail of the town. He'd never get tired of the lights, the beautiful greenery, the light up signs and billboards, the apartments and the shops.

Preston was about to plug his headphones in his phone, but it started ringing. It was Max. He immediately answered it, pulling the phone to his ear with a high smile. 'Hello dear! How are yo-'

'Preston, why doooooo you love m...e?' The voice from the other line cut him off. Max's voice was slurred, and he hiccuped in the middle of his words. Preston immediately got worried. This wasn't good.

'Why do I love y-you? Honey, are you mad!?You're amazing, handsome and the best boyfriend I could ever ask for! Wait, Max, are you okay? Honey?' Prestons voice was layed with worry, and it only intensified when he heard something fall onto the floor. He paled, and started quickening his pace. He got no answer, and the call ended. Fuck.

Preston had started running for dear life. He was so worried for his boyfriend, he didn't care that he nearly fell 20 times. He kept running through the streets, apologising to anyone who was calling his name out. He clutched his phone, sliding it in his short pockets, his glasses now leaning on the bridge of his nose.

He soon reached home, and fumbled in his pockets for his keys, and shoved them in the keyhole once he did. He ran in, quickly locking the door after he came in, then started calling Max's name out. He had reached the living room, tiptoeing in, then he saw Max. And the scene made his heart shatter.

Max was surrounded by 6 bottles of alcohol, and two packs of empty cigarettes. The tv was on, mumbling some random noise, that light shining on to Max's face, showing tear stains and swollen eyes. Max pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed and his expression pissed. However, he opened his eyes, seeing Preston, smiling a bit. 'Darrrrrling, come over *hic* here...Please?'

Preston immediately complied, kneeling next to Max on the couch. He was facing Max, who was looking towards the tv. 'Hah. Niiice show, huh?'

Preston furrowed his eye brows, and then looked down at the bottles beneath him, then back at Max. 'H-How did this..happen..?' he was so scared. His heart ached seeing Max like this. He was- used to be 10 months sober, and now this? Only something horrible could have triggered it. Max sighed at his question, then turned to Preston. He grabbed Prestons hand, stroking it and smiling.

'I'm sorry you have to- *hic* see me liiiike this. I should prooobably explain.
I went to go get some *hic* subway, just 20 miiiinutes before you left. I bumped into Nurf. He said things like *hic* that you'll leave me. That you don't love me. That you'll hate me.' Prestons eyes widened with each word.

'Honey, you know that's not true r-ri-' Preston had began, but he was cut off by a hand on his lips.

'I know. He just...He said thaaaaat I don't deserve you. That you deserve better. That you shouldn't love meeee. And i- *hic* was just wondering, why do you still love me? Are you not afraid that I'll be like- like him? I mean, we are *hic* similar.' Max finished off, his hands still connected to Prestons.

Preston inhaled, then looked at Max directly. 'Maxwell Dean, you will never, and I mean never be like Nurf. You saved me. You noticed that I was in a s-shit situation and you helped. You cared. Nurf didn't. So no, I'm not afraid, and you're not like t-that brute at all.' Preston had meant every word of what he said, holding on tight to Max's hand.

'Thank you, love.' Max smiled softly, pulling Prestons knuckles up to his lips and gently kissing them. Preston giggled, then so did Max, and they just kept laughing for a few minutes. After it died down, Max added on to what he said before. 'Sorry for allllll *hic* th- this, by the way.'

'It's fine, dear. W-what would you like to do now? What would make you feel better?' Preston looked at him with worry and concern on his features, but softness in his eyes. Max never saw that look before he met Preston, the first person who loved him. Apart from Nikki and Neil, of course, but they didn't really understand him the way Preston did.

'Can we just waaaatch something for the rest of the *hic* night, then sleep through tomorrow? How about er, that one musical you like. Heathens,or something.'

Preston would usually say no, and say that it's too late for that, but he gave in and said yes. He adored Max's smile to when he said that. He quickly put on Heather's, running to get some popcorn and water for Max.

Throughout the whole musical, Preston would talk. In a tired voice, yes, but he still annotated everything. He sang softly to the songs, and Max joined in on one verse of one he knew, which made Preston smile. They cuddled, Preston in Max's arms and sitting on his lap, Prestons head against Max's chest. God, how much Max loved having a human teddy bear. Preston was so warm.

Eventually, the musical had come to an end, and so had Prestons talking. Max looked down, then noticed two things; his hands stroking Prestons hair, and Preston being asleep. God, . Max sworn Preston looked even more like an angel when he was asleep. Max slowly felt himself drifting off too, slipping away into a dream about him and Preston.



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