Getting to know you.

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'Good morning campers! I hope you're all excited for todays camp activity!' David spoke with his usual, cheery voice. It rang across the whole tent field, and shuffling could be heard. However, a lot of groans could be heard to, which almost made David's smile falter. Almost. He shook it off, then shouted again, 'Be at the Mess Hall in 20 minutes! I expect to see you all!'

Preston yawned quietly, stretching his arms. He rubbed his eyes after, looking at his tentmate Nurf. He was, as usual, sharpening knifes and picking which one he wanted for today. Preston shuddered at the sight, then shook it off.

He had went to sleep in purple shorts and his yellow shirt. This is because, like any awkward person, he didn't want to change completely infront of people. Especially Nurf. He quickly slipped on his ruff, the yellow and gold collar on his neck, and then slid on his green jeans. Before sleeping, he embroidered some purple flowers on the pockets, which he loved so dearly. They fit nicely with the green color of the jeans.

He also slipped on his favorite purple shoes, the ones his grandmother bought him for his 12th birthday. It was the last item she gave him. His family...wasn't the most wealthy. He barely got any stuff, apart from the occasional t-shirt from Goodwill every two months. He knew the shoes must have costed a good 20-25 dollars, which was a lot for the Goodplay's. That's why he always took extra care of it.

He grabbed his play book, then his inspiration book, holding them tightly in his gloved hands. He shoved them in another embroidered He ran out, speeding by the tents fast. He didn't want to deal with Nurf today. He was too tired, due to spending a good five hours on embroidery. His thumbs still hurt from the needles pricking his thumbs, but that was only a few times. He had drawn the flowers on for a reason.

He sighed as he pushed the doors of the Mess Hall open. Preston only saw five campers, however; Harrison, Nerris, Nikki, Ered and Dolph. Preston took a seat next to Harrison, who smiled at him. He smiled back for a bit.

The group was talking about music taste, and it got heated quickly. Harrison said upbeat music was dope, Nerris retorted saying folklore music was better. Ered, obviously, started saying rap was the 'GOAT', Nikki sucking up and agreeing. Dolph just shrugged and went back to doodling. The others started bickering, and it confused Preston on how Dolph managed to stay focused with those ruffians ranting on and on about music.

He emptily stared at his bowl of cereal, mixing the cereal around. Then it hit him. He probably acted like that all the time. When he was going on and on about his favourite musicals, and play ideas. When he would go on tangents about theatre, and how it was the safest place on earth to him. When he would go on about how amazing Shakespeare was. Maybe that's why people didn't like him much.

Maybe that's why his mother-

His head shot up quickly, as he felt his shoulders being shaken. He slowly looked at who was doing it, and it was his best friend, Harrison. He had a scared look on his face, and his eyes were filled with questions.

'Dude? You totally zoned out there.' Ered said, concern threading in her voice. Nikki added on to what she said, 'Yeah! You're less loud. That's odd.' While Preston knew she didn't mean to make him feel bad, he couldn't help but feel disheartened. He just sighed and went back to pushing the cereal in his bowl around. He heard a few whispers, and only managed to hear 'happy' and 'musicals', but he just ignored it.

'So, Preston, what do you think about Musicals?' Nerris spoke with a lisp, and now Preston understood why they said the word musicals and what they were trying to do. He almost gave in, too. 'THEY ARE- Oh, s-sorry. They're nice. I like them.' His reply was met with shocked faces, and then Harrison spoke, 'There's definitely something up.'

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