Throughout history, countless historical figures made their names. Either by taking the life of five prostitutes to raising the biggest and strongest kingdom to this day. However, not all figures are dated in books, legends, or movies. That is the c...
[Y/N] - Your Name [M/N] - Middle Name [L/N] - Last Name I ["Talking"] ["SCREAMING"] ["Whispering"] ["Thinking"]
I think that I might have to delay my Fem!Itadori fanfic. Why? Well...
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Simply put, I never knew she would undergo such an appearance change.
And, of course, the credits for that masterpiece all goes to the artist, Zuyuancesar on Twitter. And, simply put again, I even have most things planned! The Reader's abilities, an appearance for him, which character that I'm gonna base him on, so on, so forth. Hell, I've been having too many ideas lately, if I'm being honest. Even things like Marvel and DC, which I know little-to-nothing about both of the universes, bruh...
Well, anyway, welcome back! Glad to have y'all back once more to yet another chapter. And I can guarantee that this one's gonna be wild. There may not be as much impact if you read The Saint's Lion before the rewrite, but if you didn't... It'll be even better. In any case, since we're now done with any of the Raynare stuff, we get each time closer and closer to the main point of the fanfic. But you know I won't reveal that.
Had to republish this chapter cause of a few bugs and errors.
Anyway, let 's roll!
<<<<<< I >[---]< I >>>>>>
He stopped bothering with it long ago.
In fact, even now, as he sat amidst the snow, on top of a mountain that shot way past the clouds, he still couldn't be bothered with the cold. His shirtless body felt the shiver run through them, but he remained there with both legs crossed, and his head down. His eyes were closed as he drew a deep, deep, deep breath, soon exhaling, allowing the smoke to be seen thanks to the temperatures that were lower than zero.
Nonetheless, he persisted, remaining with his head down, and allowing the snow to fall against his body. Surprisingly, all around him, there was no snow, but rather, water. Almost as if his presence alone was hot enough to melt the snow before it could even touch his body. Hence why his entire self, mostly his neck, was now coated in water, that surprisingly, all around him, were seemingly at boiling point.
Still, he remained there, not bothering himself with the stone-cold wind, even less with the ice-cold snow around himself. One could see that his body was well-trained, really, really well-trained. Small scars littered his hands, more commonly around his knuckles. Cauliflower ears on both sides thanks to clear extended fighting. His legs and wrists were both seemingly darkened, and also seemed to be harder than skin.