-[S.1]-[EPILOGUE]-> [Awaken]

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As promised, here are three more fanfics that I'll be writing.

As promised, here are three more fanfics that I'll be writing

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More on the final notes.

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Her entire body trembled and shivered in pain, as she used the remaining of her strength to push herself upward. Her arms wobbled like bamboo, and the stained vision blocked her eye with a mixture of sweat, tears, dirt, and blood. Nonetheless, she sat backwards, feeling as her body rested against something tough. Sturdier than steel, and certainly much more durable than most of the hardest materials she knew.

Wiping away her soaked face, Quetzacoatl glared down at the man who laid beneath her. His head, and all of his neck were buried deep into the ground in an uncanny position. It was easy to tell that this pose alone would cause severe damage to one's spine, let alone the gigantic fall the woman had just caused. Sighing as she sat against her chest, Quetzacoatl reached her hand up, and rolled her shoulders.

Feeling her body stiffer than stone unwilling to move, the woman stood up with a loud, pained groan. Pushing her hips forward, a massive crack of her bones adjusting themselves echoed through the area, as she bit her lip. Slowly, she moved forward, past the body who laid unmoving, and stared upwards towards the walls of the massive crater she stood on. With a tired sigh, she moved ahead, and dashed.

Upwards a gigantic crater left behind, the woman walked upwards its dirt path. Stopping once she reached the top, she felt her legs disappearing as they gave out beneath her. And falling down to her knees, her body could only slump forward as her hands held the ground, attempting to stop her face from hitting the dust. Her mouth opened, but gave no way for words nor a stiff laugh, or the smallest of pained groans.

But for blood.

Her lips staining both themselves and the dead dirt beneath with the warm crimson, Quetzacoatl groaned in a terrible mixture of pain and extreme agony. Her entire body shivering, nonstop trembling as its temperature dropped extremely in a mere instant. Her head felt as if the entire world around her was spinning, and her vision went in and out of focus, never once stopping. Flashes of darkness also erupted all the time.

For a brief moment, everything had turned dark, and she felt her cheek hitting against the dirt. Groaning in pain, the goddess forced herself to stand up, using the remaining bits of her strength to push herself. She managed to stand up on one knee, and soon push her body upwards and properly stand with a tired groan. With a heavy and rapid breathing, the woman spat some blood to the side, wiping some more with her wrist.

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