Chapter 2: The Goodbye

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Bonnie's P.O.V

As I was still shocked from seeing Tyler walk in like nothing was going on after breaking my best friend's heart in two, Caroline walked in.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she yelles in front of every one.

"I came back for you" he says in a foolish way.

Caroline had a boiling "are you serious" look in her angry face.

"Oh but what an honor for you to return after being kicked out of New Orleans!!!" she says with the loudest and angriest voice I have ever heard her talk in and that is saying a lot.

When I thought she was just going to keep yelling she calmed and firmly dragged Tyler into a room.

We all stared at each other in silence.


Caroline 's P.O.V

After I closed the door so no one could lisent I said "I know what you did to Hayley" and I stared at him with dissapointment.

"How could you do that to a pregnat women who never hurt you personaly in any way, she helped you turn in the apalaches and, yes she betrayed you, but then she left, if you could have just let go of your stupid revange against a thousand year old hybrid who could kill in the blink of an eye we could have been happy together!!! " I say with modered screams and tears of helplessness.

"Could have?" He says with a puppy dog face which I softened to, but not enough to forget what happened.

"Tyler I loved you so much through the years with you coming and going, but I can't just look away from this like it was nothing, and not only did you hurt someone inoccent, you left me alone in a room crying while I begged you to stay with me" I sobbed.

"This is about Klaus isn't it? He got to you, he is taking away the last thing I have" he said angrily. 

"I am not yours to take away, and this decision has nothing to do with Klaus, I am dumping your ass cause I am not in love with anymore" I stated in a firm and angry voice.

He just stared at me, but before he could say a word I left.


A few days later

Tyler's P.O.V

I was fixing up my stuff when Matt walked in.

"Hey man how you doing?" he says.

"Oh I am great, thanks" I say smiling.

" You serious, you just broke it off with Caroline" he says surprised.

"Yeah I know it blew but I have a plan to get her back, you see I am going to wait until she comes crawling back to me repented saying she wants me back" I said proudly.

"You sure thats the way you want to handle things with her?, Caroline is not one to give in" he asks me confused.

"Yeah, trust me I'll have her back in less that a week" I say confidentily.


Caroline's P.O.V

As I clean my room I found a drawing under my bed, it was the one Klaus had done for me I strangely felt nostalgia and I started thinking about the wonderful moments we lived together including that time in the woods, as I was admiring those moments Klaus's words hited me "Whenever your thinking of me you'll know you miss me and what you want, when that happens you know where to find me" this snaped me out of my thoughts in a breath, was I missing Klaus?, do I wanna be with him?, am I insane?

As I calmed down I thought racionaly "Okay, do I care about him?" Yes I answered to my self, "Do I want to kiss him again?" YESSSSS I screamed in my room (luckily my mom wasn't home).

"Oh my god!! I have feelings for Klaus"

I said in a really loud scream.

"Okay focus what are you going to do?" I say in a desperated way.

"I have to be with him" I thought in a know calmed way.

Before I go to New Orleans I have to tell Tyler, he deserves the truth.

I started packing my bags to New Orleans as I practice what I'm going to say.


No one's P.O.V

As Caroline nearvously drove to Tyler's house, Matt and Tyler continued to disscus the "plan", when they heard a knock in the door, Tyler opens it to see Caroline, she came in and saw Matt at which she said:

"I have to talk to you about something
important can we go to your bedroom?"

"Yeah, sure" with a bad hidden smile on his face as he looked at Matt with an "I told you so" look.

They went upstairs and shuted the door.


Caroline's P.O.V

As we entered the room I got more and more nervous for his reaction to what I am about to say to him.

"Well, there this thing I want to tell you about..." I say in a nervous and hesitantly tone.

"What?" he asks with a strange smirk on his face.

"Tyler I... I'm leaving Mystic Falls to be with Klaus, because I love him. And I know this hurts you and it's probably not what you were expecting to hear, but I can't lie to myself anymore, or you, it's not fair" I say with a terrified and low, yet firme voice.

"Are you kidding me?!" he says screaming with glowing eyes and large teeth.

I backed a few steps with a scared look in my eyes.

"Klaus killed my mother and you go on and fall for him!!" he says getting closer and louder.

He tried to aproche me, but damon rushed in and pushed him to the wall.

"Get out!" Damon yelled at me.

I speeded out of there as fast as I could, I thought about just leaving to New Orleans, but I had to make one more stop.

As I arrived at the Salvatore house Stefan, Elena and Bonnie were outside waiting for me, I ran and hugged them with tears in my eyes.

They just looked at me with sad and aprovatory eyes that said it all.

I got in my car and drove away as they waved their hand at me.

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