You're so annoying

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Laying on her mattress with various problems that Rose faced. That's what the cold-looking figure Rose did.

His coldness wasn't real. He had to look cold so no one would bother him anymore. Actually she is just an innocent girl who has trauma in her life

His eyes closed tightly when the image of his past that traumatized him appeared in his mind. His hands were shaking with fear and he immediately opened his bag and took the medicine he often drank to relive his trauma


Irene and her nine younger siblings are gathering in the family room to discuss  plan to make Rose uncomfortable with them

"So you have a plan eon?"Joy asked

Irene rolled her eyes lazily "If I already knew,why would I invite you to discuss the plan. I gathered you because I want to discuss it together!"said Irene

"I have an idea eon!"Lisa raised her hand

"What?" asked Jennie

"Let's just make him uncomfortable like that. For example, like we make bad food and let him eat. Anyway there is still a lot we can do"Explained Lisa

"I agree with Lisa's idea. Everything Rose does, we just make fun of her so she's upset" said Jisoo

"Wait isn't that too much?" Asked Tzuyu

"Yeah eon isn't it too much since we are older than her and didn't Papa say to take good care of her?"Yeri agreeing with her twin

"Well, yeah but we are still doing the plan. Today's task who cooks?"Irene asked because they already had a schedule of who cooked,who cleaned the house.They don't have a maid because Donghae wants his children to be more independent

"I'm cooking with Jisoo who cooks"Wendy replied

"You cook now until we call Rose to come down to eat" said Irene

"But remember, it's only Rose's food that's not delicious. Anyway, just add salt and lots of chilies in the food,"said Seulgi

Wendy and Jisoo nodded in unison "Leave this task to us"they said

"Huh? Just wait and see"

 The food that Wendy and Jisoo cooked was finished, they even served the food on the dining table.

"Let's call them," said Wendy

Jisoo nodded and they both walked away from there. After their departure, Rose went straight for her food which had been already added with chili. Immediately Rose exchanged her food for someone else and she rushed to her room before the others appeared 



Now Irene and her siblings have gathered at the dining table together

"Jisoo, call Rose down" said Irene

"Why me si" Jisoo protested

For a moment Jisoo  felt goosebumps when Jennie's sharp gaze along with Irene's cold gaze were directed at her. She sighed resignedly and started walking to Rose's room

"Tsk,you're so annoying!"Jisoo grumbled while stomping her feet in annoyance



"What?!"Jisoo didn't finish knocking on her bedroom door,the door was opened and Rose's figure came out

"The other's are waiting to eat downstairs"said Jisoo lazily

"Really you guys are waiting for me?"Rose looked at Jisoo suspiciously making Jisoo panic

"A-ah y-yeah, we don't want you to die because you don't eat"Jisoo said reasoning

Rose didn't care about Jisoo's excuse and walked over to eat with Jisoo who was grumbling

The atmosphere at the dining table was immediately silent when Rose sat herself on a bench next to  Jennie followed by Jisoo who sat next to Joy

"That;s you food"Lisa said

"Hm," said Rose curtly

"Now let's eat" said Seulgi

Rose began to eat her food causally making the others stare at her in surprise

"W-how does it taste?"asked Wendy

"It's delicious"said Rose,who continued to eat her food,making the others look sharply at Wendy and Jisoo sharply

Jisoo and Wendy also looked at each other. They were confused as to why didn't Rose react at all. Does his tongue have no taste?

Finally they could only sigh in exasperation and start eating their food

"DEVIL !!! SPICY GEEZ !!!! SALT !!! WATER NOW !!!!" the scream echoed along with the panicked brothers

Irene immediately handed a glass of water to her spicy sister. Jennie immediately drank the glass of water with her face already red

Yup, the food that was supposed to be eaten by Rose turned out to be eaten by Jennie because Rose had already exchanged it

"Hey you guys!!"Jennie shouted with emotion staring at Jisoo and Wendy sharply

"We don't know Jen! We are really sure that we didn't put chilies in your food!"said Jisoo

"Hooh. The cake is shaken" said Wendy

""Ah,it's full. Thanks for the food"Rose got up from her seat and walked away but her steps suddenly stopped. He rubbed Jennie's head "This is karma because of your plan. Oh my friend said that chilies can make you taller. It's better if you eat chilies so you can be tall"said Rose while looking at Jennie,Irene,Seulgi,Wendy,Jisoo and Yeri  alternately when Joy,Tzuyu and Lisa are already laughing 

"Heyyyy!!!!!"their annoyance screams were heard but Rose didn't care and started walking to her room causally

"You're so annoying!!!" Jennie screamed emotionally

"Do I care?"Rose replied causally making Jennie's emotional scream echo in the dimension

"FUCKING Squirrel!!!!!!!!!" 



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