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Morning has come and now it's Irene's job to wake up her poor little brothers. By pruning her hair,Irene moved to Seulgi's room

"Seulgi, wake up Seul"Irene woke Seulgi up buy patting Seulgi's butt many times

Seulgi growled annoyed and started to open her eyes "It's really annoying eonnie, What time is it?"he asked

"It's already 6'o clock. You wake Wendy up to hep you cook. I want to wake up the others"said Irene rushing out of Seulgi's room and Seulgi also moved to Wendy's room


Irene's steps,who wanted to enter Jennie's room,were stopped when the door to Jennie's room was opened from the inside and Jennie,who already looked neat,came out

"How come you're awake?"asked Irene

"I have class at 8 so I have to get ready quickly. Btw where's Joy?"asked Jennie

Irene frowned confused "Then you help Seulgi and Wendy cook,okay. I want to look for Joy in Yeri and Tzuyu's room"said Irene making Jennie nod

Irene went to Tzuyu and Yeri's room and saw them who are still sleeping with Lisa. He went over to his three brothers and started to wake them up

"Li,Yer,Chewy, wake up. You'll be late for school late"said Irene,rubbing her three sibling heads in turn

Lis blinked her eyes as many time as did Yeri and Tzuyu "Arreosso eon"obediently Lisa moved her room while Yeri and Tzuyu moved to the bathroom

"Joy isn't here so where is he?"Irene muttered

"What's in Rose's room?"he continued


The door to Rose's room opened and  Irene hurried into Rose's room

He rolled his eyes in surprise when he saw Joy who was still sleeping with Rose who was in his arms

"How cute"Irene mumbled with a happy smile

"Joy,wake up"Irene began to wake up Joy

It didn't take long,Joy immediately woke up from her sleep "Eoh Eonnie"Joy said with a pillow on her face 

"How come you sleep here?"confused Irene

"Why? Is  that wrong? From now on,he is also my sister. I'll call him Rose-ah"said Joy looking at Rose's innocent face who was still sleeping

"Well,you wake him up and get ready. We'll have breakfast downstairs"said Irene walking out of Rose's room

The atmosphere at the dining table was really quiet because they were focused on their food. Joy also chuckled when she saw Rose's cute bulging cheeks

"Is their something funny eonnie?"asked Yeri and Tzuyu who was confused by Joy's behavior

"Rose-ah's cheeks are funny"Joy said making all her siblings stare at her 

"Rose-ah?" Jisoo confused

"That's my nickname for Rose.Only I call her Rose-ah,just watch out!"said Joy looking at her siblings one by one

"Rose"Rose who had been silent for a while looked at Irene who called her out

"Why?"he said nonchalantly 

"I and my brothers had accepted you in our lives"said Irene making Rose look at her seriously

"Are you sure?"Rose asked

"Really sure! After all,we also promised papa to take care of you and love you like our brother"said Seulgi

 "Oh Rose-ah,I want to apologize because all this time I've been angry at you"Joy continued

"You're not wrong. I'm the wrong one because of this annoying behavior. I'm also sorry if I don't respect you,"said Rose

"But I'm sorry, I just can't continue to gather with you guys. I just can't be with the crowd"said Rose

"Why you don't like us?"Wendy asked

"I'm traumatized eonnie"


For this story I want to make Joy close to Rose



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