I'm sorry

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The incident in the toilet made Yeri,Tzuyu and Lisa take Rose home with the help of Jisoo who invited them home

The atmosphere in the car was really quite because none of them wanted to open a conversation

Rose stared out the window with her blank eyes making her twins who were sitting beside her very worried

"Want to go to the mall first?"Jisoo asked trying to break the silence

"Just go home eonnie,Rose also needs a break"said the twins making Jisoo nod

 The car driven by Jisoo finally arrived at their mansion. Rose immediately walked to her room making Joy frown in confusion

"Why Rose-ah? You guys bullied her earlier?"Joy asked when Jisoo,Lisa and the twins approached them

"Why Rose-ah? You guys bullied her earlier?"Joy asked when Jisoo,Lisa and the twins approached them

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"He was bullied at eonnie's school"said the twins

"Hooh. I really want to slap the person who bullied Rose"continued Lisa

"Heh! Who dares to bully my sister huh?!"Joy annoyed

"Heh, already admitting to being a little brother,"teased Jisoo

"It's really my little brother. He's good or not as cured as you guys"said Joy making Lisa and the twins to roll their eyes

"You can't see"Lisa and the twins mumbled at the same time 





The sound of strong impacts  and the broken glass  made Jisoo and the others shocked. They rolled their eyes in shock when they realized someone's scream

"Rose!"shouted Lisa and the twins in union

They immediately ran to Rose's  room but their steps stopped when they heard Joy's scream

"Hey! help me!"shouted Joy who was still using a stick

"It's been a long time eonnie"an annoyed Lisa finally carried Joy and rushed to Rose's room followed by the twins and Jisoo

Knock Knock

Joy knocked on Rose's door  when Lisa put her down "Rose-ah open the door!"Joy shouted,banging on Rose's door worriedly 

"Rose,please open the door!"Jisoo shouted as well  but the broken glass was getting louder and louder




"What if we break the door eonnie?!"Lisa panicked

"Just break it Lis!"said Jisoo

"But what if the door is destroyed?"asked Lisa

"Let me just buy a new one! Now just break that damn door!"Joy replied excited at er sisters behavior

Lisa and the twins nodded and they immediately smashed the door of Rose's room violently


Finally the door was successfully opened ,making them freeze in shock when they saw the condition of Rose's room

"Rose-ah!!"Joy yelped in surprise when she saw Rose huddled in fear in the corner of her room

"Sob,don't come near me! Get away! Just please leave me alone!"Rose shouted loudly holding the glass

"This is eonnie,don't be afraid Rose-ah"Joy tried to take the glass shard in Rose's hand when Jisoo contacted her other brothers

The twins and Lisa are also looking for Rose's medicine

"Akhh"Joy winced in pain when Rose scratched the  glass shard in her hand 

"Joy!"Jisoo approached Joy "Are you okay?"he asked worriedly

"I'm fine,eonnie"said Joy looking back at Rose who kept muttering incoherently

"Hey,Rose-ah don't be afraid of eonnie. It's me, Joy eonnie. Rose-ah's eonnie"said Joy softly 

Rose looked at Joy and threw away the broken glass in her hand "Sob eonnie"she sobbed

"Yes,it's eonnie,don't be afraid."Joy took Rose into her arms

"Here's the medicine"Tzuyu handed the medicine and water to Rose

With the help of her twins,Rose took the medicine which made her calmer.He looked at Joy's injured hand"I'm sorry" Rose whispered

"It's okay"said Joy bringing Rose into her arms




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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