We're family right?

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Holidays are over and their busy time is now starting. Irene,who was graduated from college,will take over her father's company in Korea,assisted by Seulgi. Wendy also chose to mange her own restaurant.

Jisoo is still studying at a campus left by their grandfather with Jennie and Joy

Lisa,Yeri and Tzuyu are also still in school. Don't forget about Rose who will transfer to the same school as them.

Now the 10 of them  are gathering at the dining table eating breakfast that has been cooked by Jennie and Seulgi

"Are you sure you didn't put poison on my food?"Asked Rose

Jennie chuckled "I don't really like you but I'm not crazy enough to kill humans like you!"said Jennie

Rose shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and returned her focus on her breakfast 

"Who are you going with?"Asked Irene but there's no answer

All eyes were on Rose,which made Rose stop her feeding "Are you talking to me?"

"Then you think I'm talking to the devil?"Irene snapped

"Ooh yeah I forgot that I'm the only human here. The others are all demons,aren't they?"said Rose making them all look sharply at her. 

"What do yo mean huh?!"Angry Joy 

"I went with dad's driver"Rose answered Irene's question with out paying attention to Joy


Joy who was already emotional with Rose's behavior immediately pounded the table making the others shocked even Irene and Jennie were already holding their chest

"You want to make noise huh?!" Joy snapped

Rose shrugged nonchalantly" You guys chose to fight with me didn't you?"said Rose grabbing her bag "But I don't want to fight with you guys.We're family,right?"carrying her bag,Rose immediately walked away from there leaving them all shock by his words.






Rose had just arrived at her new school but she didn't move out at all. He was just daydreaming while looking at his school

"Miss?"The driver woke Rose from her daydream

"Ah yes sir" said Rose

"Miss don't want to go out? It's almost 7:45" said Mr. Jack

Rose just sighed softly. He wants to go to school but his legs are really hard to move like someone's holding him

"Miss,you can definitely do it. Don't be excited,"said Mr.Jack 

"Thank you sir"Rose sighed harshly and started to climb down from the car. He started walking into  the school ignoring the students gazes that were on him


The first class lesson was over and Lisa,Yeri,and Tzuyu immediately moved to the cafeteria without caring for Rose. Yup,Rose is in the same class as them.

Suddenly there were a group of girls who approached him "Hi I'm Sana these are my friends  Momo,Mina,Jihyo,Ryujin,and lastly Lia

Rose still has a straight face "I'm Rose,nice to meet you"

"Do you want to go to the cafeteria with us?"asked Momo

"I don't want to.Thanks for the offer"replied Rose

They nodded and started walking away leaving Rose sighing harshly. He wanted to have friends  but his trauma prevented him from having friends

Surrounded by important paperwork ,that's how Irene who is now busy managing her dad's company is going through

Tok Tok Tok

"Come in,"Irene said without looking at the door

The door to Irene's room was opened and a man who is wearing a work coat entered "Hi honey"

Hearing the voice she missed the most made Irene immediately get up and run  towards the namja

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Hearing the voice she missed the most made Irene immediately get up and run  towards the namja. He hugged the namja who was none other than his fiancé

"I miss you"Irene whined

"I miss you more" replied the guy

"Why are you taking so long? Have you met a beautiful girl in Paris huh?!"grumbled Irene

The man chuckled "I also went to Paris because of work.There is no other beautiful girl besides you. Only Kim Irene is in Kim Suho's heart"said Suho making   Irene smile with her blushing cheeks

"You know what,I'm happy when I know that you work at your father's company. This way we can meet often"continued Suho. Their company is really close,so that can make him meet Irene every time 

"I'm happy too. How about we go for a drink? I want to talk to you"said Irene

Suho held Irene's hand "Anything for you"he said 



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