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The maknae line has returned from their school and now Lisa,Yeri and Tzuyu are gathering in the living room with Jennie who has come home from college

"Joy eonnie where?"Asked The twins

"He's in his room"said Jennie,rising from his seat

"Where are you going eonnie?" Lisa  was confused

"To my room. I'm already sleepy,"said Jennie walking away to her room

"I'm bored"said the twins in unison

Lisa nodded "Yes,the other eonnies still haven't  come home yet because they are so busy. Eh, I want to go to the kitchen to get a drink,do you guys want it too?"

The twins shook their heads "We don't want it Lalisa"they said 

Lisa moved to the kitchen and as soon she returned with a glass of iced tea.

"Want it!!!"asked the twins

"Oh no,you didn't want to!!"Lisa replied running away from the twins

"But now we want it sis!"Tzuyu and Yeri whined and started chasing Lisa

There was a chase between the three of them . Lisa ran towards the stairs followed by Tzuyu and Yeri. Without realizing it,the water that Lisa brought had already wet the stairs 

"What's the matter. It's noisy!!"annoyed Joy walked down the stairs and approached her three younger sibling who were already chasing them 

"Aaaaaakhhhh!!!!!"but unfortunately,the water soaked the stairs made Joy fall

"Eonnie!!"Lisa,Tzuyu,and Yeri shouted together in surprise and ran over to Joy

"Awww hiccups hurt"Joy moaned in pain as her ankle was hard to move

"Eonnie sorry" said Lisa, Tzuyu and Yeri feeling guilty

"Get out of my way"Rose walked over to them and crouched beside Joy

"You broke your leg"said Rose without filter

"Yakk" Shouted Joy annoyed

Ignoring Joy's angry screams,Rose immediately carried Joy in a bridal style

"You guys clean up the mess you made. Don't worry, I won't do anything to your Joy unnie,"said Rose to Lisa,Yeri and Tzuyu

He started to leave with Joy in his arms . "Sir we are in the hospital now"said Rose taking Joy into the car

Mr.Jack nodded and started to drive the car to the Kim  family hospital


"You just sprained your leg and you have to use a cane to walk"said Doctor Krystal,who had bandage Joy's leg

"When will it recover unnie?"Joy asked while Rose chose to remain silent 

"Two weeks at the most"said Krystal 

Kim Krystal Yuki,Joy's cousin. He is the son of Kim Donghyuk Yuki and Kim Yoona Yuki. Donghyuk is Donghae's biological brother who is none other than Joy's papa

"It's been a long time eonnie" whined Joy

"Do you think getting well is easy huh?" Krystal replied and her eyes on Rose "Who is she?"he asked

Joy glanced at Rose "He's the person Irene eonnie told me about"he said making Krystal nod

"Can I take Joy home Krystal-ssi?"asked Rose

"Go ahead and you don't have to be formal with me. Just call me eonnie"Krystal replied 

Rose nodded and immediately carried Joy in a bridal style without paying attention to the struggling Joy

Irene is now gathered in the living room with her 9 younger siblings Yeri,Tzuyu and Lisa have also explained what happened to their guilt 

"So now Joy is with Rose?"asked Wendy

"Yes it seems he took Joy eonnie to the hospital,"said the twins

"Rose is good too"Wendy said 

Jisoo nodded "He's good but we just want to fight him"he said 


The door of the mansion opened and entered Rose,holding Joy in a bridal style. He brought Joy closer to the others without hesitation he seated Joy on Jennie's lap

"Yakk!"Jennie shouted in surprise as well as Joy

Rose didn't care about them and started to move to her room but her steps stopped because of Irene

"Rose!" called Irene

"Wae?"he said flatly

"Thanks" Irene said sincerely

Rose just shrugged nonchalantly and walked back to her room



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