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For the first time Rose went to  school together with the her twins and Lisa with replies from Irene. Irene and her sisters also try  to be closer to Rose and they will make Rose comfortable with them

"Hah, it's arrived"the silence stopped when Irene opened her voice.Turns out they've already arrived at school

"Come on,Jisoo will pick you up"said Irene

"Is Irene eonnie overtime?"asked the twins Yeri and Tzuyu

"No Chewy and Yer, I come home at 3,then at 6,you guys are ready"said Irene

Lisa raised her eyebrows confused"Where are we going?"he asked

"We'll have a guest Joy's friend"Irene replied making Lisa and the twins nod

The twins and Lisa gave Irene a quick kiss on the cheek and walked out of the car. Rose's steps wanted to go out of the car stopped when Irene held his hand" Don't you want a kiss?" Irene asked 

Rose rolled her eyes in surprise. He looks doubtful but he also want to feel what Lisa and her twins are feeling

"Don't be afraid...you'll get used to all of us"said Irene as if she understood Rose's fear

Rose nodded and kissed Irene on the cheek briefly. Immediately Rose rushed out of the car and approached the twins and Lisa who were already waiting for her

The car Irene was driving eventually drove away from the school grounds. Holding Rose's hand,Lisa and the twins moved into their school

The students eyes were all fixed on them.They were surprised when they saw Rose close to Lisa and the twins because all this time Lisa and the twins didn't have friends at that school

The students at that school are also reluctant to approach Lisa and the twins because Lisa and the twins are the richest company owners in Korea. Many wants to be friends with them but they are just ignorant

Unbeknownst to them, 2 yeojas were staring at them,ah,to be more precise,looking at Rose with an emotional and devilish look. They clenched their fists with emotion and continuing  to stare   intently at Rose   



Break time has come and Rose and her twins are now at in Lisa's class

"Yer,Chewy. I need to go to the bathroom first,"said Rose

"Want us to accompany you?"asked her twins

Rose shook her head "No need,just go to the canteen with Lisa"said Rose making Yeri and Tzuyu nod

Finally Rose went to the toilet while Yeri and Tzuyu  continued their journey to Lisa's class


The toilet door was opened violently,making Rose who was washing her hands,gasp in surprise. He looked through the reflection of the mirror and saw two young women smiling cynically at him

"So you're the new kid huh?"sarcastically one of the girls

Rose saw the name sign on the two girls uniforms "y-Yes Winter-ssi,Luna-ssi"said Rose scared

"Why are you close to the Kim Family?!"Luna asked looking at Rose sharply

Rose didn't know what to say so she just looked down and kept silent. Seeing Rose who was just silent made Winter emotional.He  immediately grabbed Rose's hair roughly,making Rose tremble and her breathing irregular

The shadows of his past reappeared and it was exactly the same as what was happening now

"Where is Rose?How long is it?"asked Lisa

"We don't know,We also feel confused"said the twins

"Yer,Tzuyu,Lisa!!"suddenly a group of girls

"Eh Sana, Momo, Mina, Jihyo, Ryujin, Lia why?" asked Yeri and Tzuyu confused

"So Lia and Ryujin went to the toilet-"

"Why are you talking about the toilet?"Lisa cut Sana's words

Sana growled annoyed "Listen first, Earlier Ryujin and Lia saw Rose  being bullied what look like Winter and Luna sunbae"said Sana

"Really?!"Without warning Lisa and the twins ran to the toilet in a panic 


"Sob d-don't hurt me"Rose sat on the floor and hugged her knees

"Stay away from Lisa,Yeri and Tzuyu!You don't match their friends!We are the ones who fit them!"said Luna clutching  Rose's cheek

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"Stay away from Lisa,Yeri and Tzuyu!You don't match their friends!We are the ones who fit them!"said Luna clutching  Rose's cheek


The toilet door was kicked violently. The twins immediately ran towards Rose while Lisa was standing infront of Winter and Luna with emotion

"What have you done sunbae?!"asked Lisa coldly

"w-We're fine,what are we doing?"Winter is scared. Duh,it could be dangerous for them to deal with Lisa

"Rose,my brother and I don't want you to bother her again.This is a warning from me!"Lisa cold

"W-okay"Luna and Winter immediately ran out of the toilet when Lisa ran to the twins who calmed Rose

"d-Don't be sorry it hurts"Rose kept muttering incoherently

"Hey it's us,don't be afraid"Lisa took Rose into her arm while continuing to say smoothing words

Slowly Rose began to calm down and returned Lisa's hug no less tight "Don't leave me"she whispered

"We will always be by your side,don't worry"said  the twins also joining the group hug



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