Chapter 1

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Brenna's POV

I buried my face deeper into my Care of Magical Creatures textbook as a hoard of Slytherins strode by. I wasn't afraid of them, just not in the mood to deal with their taunting and insults. When they'd passed, I lowered the book back down and sighed. A group of my "fellow" Ravenclaws snickered as I did so.

"Hey Brenna," Sydney beamed as she strode towards me, her Hufflepuff scarf flapping behind her. "What's up, buttercup?"

"Studying for my test next class. What about you?" I asked as I flipped through my book.

"Procrastinating," She grinned.

"If you don't start doing your work, you're gonna get kicked off the Quidditch team," I warned.

"They wouldn't dare," She scoffed. "They would never relieve their captain! They need me anyway. I'm the only one who can redeem the Hufflepuff name!"

I prodded her side with a smirk. "Wonder how you got into Hufflepuff with that attitude anyway."

"Oh shut it," She said as she slapped my hand away.

I went back to reading my chapter on Bowtruckles and blocked out the whispers and stares around me. One Slytherins voice shouted out among the others.

"Hey black haired chick with the textbook! Yeah you! What are you doing here?" He snapped.

"Sitting. What else would I be doing?" I snapped back.

"Get out of here, would you? I'm trying to have a conversation here."

"Ha," I smirked. "Sorry to distract you but I'm not leaving."

I felt Sydney tug in my scarf. "Let's just go," She whispered.

"What did you say to me?" The Slytherin boy growled, prowling towards me. I got to me feet and took a step towards him.

"I said," I snarled, "I'm not leaving."

"Oh yes, I think you are," He smirked as four more of his Slytherin buddies creeper out from behind him.

I smiled sweetly at the boy. "Are you going to make me?"

"If we have to," He smiled back, taking his wand out.

"Then you better get started because I'm not budging."

They formed a semicircle around me and I couldn't help a faint smile from creeping onto my lips. What a cliché event. Doesn't anyone have any originality?

"Last chance to walk away quietly Mudblood," He said, twirling his wand in his fingers.

"Oh no," I grinned, "I intend to make quite the commotion."

The Slytherins moved towards me when a tall scarred boy stepped into the mix.

"Boys, boys," He smiled, almost shyly, at the Slytherins. "This is not the way you treat a lady."

"Who the he-," The leading boy began but suddenly burst into a fit of laughs, clutching his sides.

"Rictusempra?" I giggled under my breath. "Who is this guy?"

The boy, appearing to be a Gryffindor, grabbed my hand and dragged me away.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Let me go!"

He dropped my hand when the laughing boy was out of sight and ran his fingers through his hair.

"A thank you would be nice," I frowned, his voice quiet.

"I had it all under control," I scoffed, crossing my arms and lifting my chin in the opposite direction.

"Sure you did," He smirked.

"You don't know me and you don't know what I'm capable of, Gryffindor," I snapped.

"Okay, okay, I got it," He sighed.

After a moment if stubborn silence on my part, I piped up.

"Thank you," I muttered. "What's your name?"


"I assume you have a last one?"

"Lupin. Remus Lupin."

"Thank you," I said a little louder, uncrossing my arms. I was too busy being stubborn to realize how attractive he was. His light brown hair was wavy and reached the nape of his neck and his brown eyes looked soft and shy.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked.

"N- no reason," I stammered.

"So, what's your name then. Isn't that how introductions work?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm Brenna Harem."

"So you're the little Ravenclaw girl that everyone talks about," He smirked. "Then, what do they call you? The Mysterious Black Haired Beauty?"

I flushed at my nickname. It had followed me all through my first year to this point. I found it extremely annoying and even though Sydney always told me it was a compliment, I never believed it was. I've always seen it as a mocking insult.

"Please don't call me that," I said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry." He ran his fingers through his hair again, mussing it.

"Oh crap!" I jumped.

"What?" Remus gasped, obviously startled. "What is it?"

"I left Sydney all alone with those jerks!"

"No, I actually snuck her away before I stepping in with you," Remus shrugged.

"Really?" I blinked.

"Yeah," He shrugged again.

"Thank you," I smiled. In my book, the best way to a girls heart is to protect her best friend. Remus leaned against the wall, propping one leg up on its rough surface.

"Shall I walk you up to your common room?" He asked quietly.

"I think I can manage, thank you," I said gently, dusting off my cloak.

"You really are something," Remus snorted.

"Speak for yourself," I rolled my eyes and hugged my textbook to my chest. Without looking back, I muttered a quick "see ya around" under my breath and scurried off, head down, to the dorm room. I answered the riddle with ease and fell into my comfortable bed, my mind wondering on the Gryffindor boy.

Remus' POV

I wondered the hall for a bit after Brenna had left, replaying the encounter over and over in my head.

"Hey!" James called, Sirius and Peter trailing behind him. Sirius had Peter in a headlock.

"How did it go?" Peter asked, rubbing his neck once Sirius let him go.

"Looks like I didn't get the reaction you guys were looking for," I sighed.

"I knew we should have had Sirius do it!" James cried in dismay. "The ladies always react better when he saves them."

"Thanks Prongs," I growled. "Way to boost my self esteem."

"Oh please, mate," Sirius smirked as he clapped a hand on my back. "I'm pretty sure it can't get any lower."

"Don't take it personal," Peter encouraged. "I'm always get the worst reactions. They typically slap me."

"Those are the best reactions," James snorted, making Peter frown.

"Not better than Lily refusing to call you by your first name," Peter countered. James recoiled as if he'd been slapped. Then he sunk to the ground and buried his face in his hands.

"Why won't she love me!?" He wailed.

"Low blow, Wormtail," I snickered and gave him a high five.

"Not this again," Sirius sighed. "Get up, you twit."

James didn't move. "Carry me Padfoot!" He cried.

Sirius groaned and picked James up, carrying him like a baby.

"Blimey," He grunted. "You need to lay off the pastries, mate."

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