Chapter 3

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My apologies for the shortness of this chapter.

Remus' POV

I strode amongst the crowd of cloaked students with Sirius to my left and Peter and James to my right. We had a class with Ravenclaw today, which I was dreading. James had come up with a dreadful task for me to perform with Brenna. I didn't want to hurt her but I wasn't too keen on my punishment if I didn't do it. We came to a stop at the door of our Astrology class and I took a deep breath.

"Ready, mate?" James snickered.

"Shut up," I snapped and yanked open the door. I took my seat a row away from Brenna's and frowned. There she was with her long black hair cascading down her shoulders, her bright golden eyes locked on the front if the classroom.

The professor droned on and I blocked him out and focused on doodling in the corner of my parchment. When the lecture was over and the lesson was dismissed, I reluctantly paid Brenna a visit.

"Hey," I smiled weakly.

"Hello," She replied.

"I have a question," I winced.

She tilted her head slightly as if she noticed my reaction to my own words, but then simply replied, "What is it?"

"Would you sleep with me?" I held back my protest. James thought it would be positively hilarious to see her reaction if I asked her to sleep with me. I hated asking her partly because I didn't want to and partly because I was totally disrespecting her as a woman. But I still did it anyway, so my personal thoughts can't atone. She stared at me in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" She snapped. I gulped but didn't answer.

"Ha," She scoffed, more to herself. "Of course. Why else would a guy approach me? Screw off, you manipulative git." Then she stood up and stormed from the room. My companions on the other hand, laughed hysterically.

"That was pricless!" James cried.

"Really a great joke, mate," Sirius snorted and slapped James on the back. Peter however, remained silent. I slammed my fist on the table and glared at my now hushed friends. They stared at me in shock.

"What is wrong with you lot? Don't you ever think about anyone else?" I shouted, ignoring the stares from those around us. James opened his mouth to speak but I help up a hand to silence him.

"Don't," I growled and strode angrily out of the classroom. I was mad at James and the others but I was more mad at myself. I put myself above Brenna and I had to put things right with her. I had to explain to her what happened. All I could do was hope that she understands what happened.

Brenna's POV

I stamped down the hallway with my fists clenched. The one time someone besides Sydney had ever said anything that wasn't rude to me and he turned out to be a total jerk after all. I felt more sad than angry. I really thought we could have been friends.

I sat down at the hunched witch statue and buried my face in my arms. I couldn't believe what just happened. Remus didn't seem like the kind of guy that got close to girls just so he could sleep with them. But it wouldn't be the first time I miss profiled a guy.

"Brenna?" A voice called. I lifted my head and glared.

"Get out of here Remus," I snapped.

"Will you let me explain?" He begged.

"Explain what? There isn't anything to explain!" I growled.

Remus ran his hand through his mess of light hair and sighed. "That wasn't me. I mean, it was me but it wasn't me. My friends, James, Sirius and Peter, they've been daring me to say all these things to you and-"

"You mean to tell me that you didn't even help me because you wanted to?" I gasped.

"No, I mean yes. I mean, I wanted to do it and then they dared me to so I had more motivation to," He stammered.

"So you've only been nice to me because of your mates?"

"No that's not it! Peter dared me to follow you after you ran out of the Great Hall but I took you to Hogsmeade on my own," He pleaded, "please believe me. I won't hurt you again."

"No more dares?" I asked.

"No more dares."

"You better not."

"So," He rubbed the back of his neck, "we're friends?"

"Friends," I nodded.

"Thank you," He sighed in relief.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Because," He shrugged, "I'm thankful that you let me be your friend."

I turned away from him so he wouldn't see my reddening face. I hadn't had another friend other than Sydney for years.

"Well then," I smiled, "Thank you for being my friend. And thank you for telling me the truth."

"Thank you for letting me," He smirked, almost as if he was countering me.

"Okay okay, enough with the gratitude," I sighed. "We should get to class."

"What do you have next, friend?" Remus asked, extending his arm.

"Herbology," I smiled, linking my arm through his.

"I shall accompany you to your class," He grinned and lead me out toward the Herbology classroom. When he thought I wasn't looking, I caught him smiling down at me.

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