A Very Interesting Day

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Today is like any other day, Wanda and Pietro come into my room at 7:00 AM and wake me up for school, we get dressed, eat breakfast, say goodbye to our parents, and walk to school. Wanda and Pietro walk me to my kindergarten classroom as I am only 5 then they walk to their 5th-grade classroom since they are 10. After school is over, Wanda and Pietro come to my classroom and we walk a few short blocks home from school.

When we get to our apartment complex Pietro says "3, 2, 1, go!" and the three of us race up the stairs to our apartment on the third floor. Pietro wins and Wanda finishes shortly after him. Since I am only 5, I am a bit slower than Wanda and Pietro. The best thing about that is when I get to the last part of the stairs Wanda and Pietro are clapping and cheering me on! I get to the top with a big smile on my face and Wanda, Pietro, and I exchange high fives! We unlock our apartment door and go inside. Mama isn't home from work yet so we grab a snack and sit at the kitchen table. Wanda and Pietro start their homework while I draw in a coloring book.

Sometime later, Mama finally gets home from work. I run up to her and hug her. "Hi, Hadley! How was your day?" asks Mama "My day was good! Wanda and Pietro are in the kitchen doing their homework!" I reply with a smile. We walk to the kitchen and Wanda and Pietro stand up and greet Mama. While Wanda and Pietro finish their homework Mama starts making dinner. The four of us eat dinner because Papa gets dinner on the way home from work because he always gets home late. After dinner, Wanda and Pietro go to their room which they share and I go to mine. I have no clue what Wanda and Pietro are doing, but I am laying on my stomach on my bed drawing. After a while, I hear the front door open. "Irina?" says Papa. "In the living room!" says Mama. After a few minutes, I hear Pietro shout "Wanda? Hadley?"

Wanda comes in my room and holds out her hand for me to take. I close my coloring book and I bounce off my bed and happily take her hand. Wanda and I walk into the living room, Wanda hugs Papa, and I do the same after her. "Now we can begin. Wanda, you pick," says Papa. Wanda looks in the briefcase, and she says, "My pick isn't here," "I have forgot. I put it in the special place for extra safekeeping," says Papa, and he gets up and walks over to the special place. "Don't look," says Mama covering Wanda's eyes. Wanda and I giggle. Then she uncovers Wanda's eyes. The special place is really a hole in the wall that is covered by a painting, but to Wanda, Pietro, and I, it's almost magical. Papa pulls out a box with a TV logo on it that says The Dick van Dyke show. "This is your pick, yes?" he says. "Season 2, Episode 21," says Wanda. "Dick Van Dyke again? Always sitcom, sitcom, sitcom..." says Pietro. Then all five of us walk into the living room, and Papa says, "The Walnut episode!" then he speaks in Sokovian. "Yes, Rob and Laura have for the most fun shenanigans," says Mama. "What is "shenanigan" again?" asks Pietro. "Shenanigan is like a problem, but more silly than scary, but can sometimes be a little scary," says Wanda. "Yeah, like mischief," says Mama. "But a silly mischief that always becomes fine," says Papa sitting down. Pietro, Wanda, and I sit on the floor, and our parents are sitting on the couch. "Okay, Papa start it for us," says Mama. So he does.

The opening scene starts playing, and the announcer says, "The Dick Van Dyke Show, starring Dick Van Dyke. Dick Van Dyke rolls off the stairs, and all five of us laugh. The Announcer continues, "And Mary and Tyler Moore." The title of the episode flashes on the screen. It reads IT MAY LOOK LIKE A WALNUT. Then the show starts. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Wanda smile and look back at our parents, and Mama blows her a kiss, then Wanda looks back at the TV. I look back at my parents, who look at me, and Mama blows me a kiss too, and I smile back in exchange, then I turn back towards the TV. We laugh at some funny things the characters say and do.

We are about halfway through the episode when suddenly, I feel myself get thrown forward. Then everything goes black. I wake up about five minutes later to an unsettling sight. Our apartment is in ruins, there is a big hole in the floor, and it looks like my parents fell into it. Then I hear Wanda and Pietro say, "Hadley!" I look to my right in time to see Wanda grab me with her left hand with Pietro holding her right hand. We slide underneath our parent's bed, which is technically in the living room just before a second bomb hits. Wanda is in the middle of Pietro and me with me on her left and Pietro on her right. "Wanda. Hadley. Are you okay? We have to get out of here," says Pietro in Sokovian. I am barely listening to him. I am more focused on the sounds coming from outside and the ticking sound of the bomb in front of us. "We can't," says Wanda in Sokovian. "Shh. Do you hear that? Maybe they're here to help," says Pietro in Sokovian. "Maybe they're the ones who sent it," says Wanda in Sokovian. The Dick Van Dyke show is still playing on the TV. "At the end of the episode, you realize it was all a bad dream. None of it was real," says Wanda. Then she reaches out her hand. "Wanda, don't!" says Pietro in Sokovian. Wanda puts her hand back under the bed. I bury myself into Wanda and Pietro hugs the two of us as we wait for the bomb to go off. We wait like that for ten minutes by Pietro's watch. The bomb hasn't gone off. It is just sitting there in the rubble three feet from Wanda, Pietro, and me with a logo on the side of it that says Stark Industries. I know I will never forget that logo. I now hate Tony Stark. I am aware that hate is a strong word but he killed my parents and ruined my life. I look at my older siblings who have tears rolling down their cheeks with the same terrified looks on their faces as I do. After a few more seconds it really hits us that our parents are dead. We lay under the bed waiting for someone to save us. It's now 9:00 PM by Pietro's watch when I finally start to fall asleep.


Somehow we are still alive since the bomb hasn't gone off yet. It's late in the day when we hear someone say "It's been two days, we need to check for survivors." Then a person walks into our apartment and says "Is there anyone in here?" Wanda, Pietro, and I shout back "Yes! Help we are under the bed next to the living room!!!" The firefighter walks through the living room and we saw him from under the bed and Pietro says "Careful with the bomb in front of us. It hasn't gone off yet." The firefighter proceeds with a bit more cation when he sees the bomb. He disables it and he looks under the bed where he sees Wanda, Pietro, and I huddled together. The firefighter talks into his walkie-talkie and says "I found survivors three kids; two girls and one boy." Then he looks back at us and says "It's okay now, your safe, you can come out from under the bed now." After he says that, two more firefighters walk over to where we are. They help us get out from under the bed.

Then they bring us down to ground level. Wanda, Pietro, and I are now holding each other's hands like they're lifelines. A nurse whisks us away to a medical tent where they try to separate us but every time they try Pietro says "Please just let us stay together!" The nurses looked at each other and said "Okay, but other doctors and nurses will try to split the three of you up." Wanda, Pietro, and I nod. Then they lead us to a room where there is a lady sitting at a table with three chairs in front of her.

She tells us to take a seat while she asks us some questions. "I need to know your names, how old you are, what happened, and where your parents are," she says. Pietro being the oldest Maximoff answers. "My name is Pietro Maximoff and I am ten years old. This is my twin sister Wanda, she's obviously ten as well, and this is our little sister Hadley Maximoff, she is five years old." he says as he gestures to Wanda and I. "Okay thank you. Now that leaves two more questions. What happened and where are your parents?" Pietro took a deep breath before answering again. "The five of us were watching TV when the first bomb hits it makes a big hole in the floor and our parents fall in as the roof starts crumbling in. I grabbed Wanda who grabbed Hadley, we slide under our parents bed just before the second bomb hits but it didn't go off. It just sat there in the rubble three feet from our faces." finishes Pietro looking at Wanda and I. "Wow, I am so sorry." says the nurse. The three of us don't know how to react so we just nod our heads. Then the nurse has one more question for us. "Do you have any family like Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, or anyone like that?" "No." We reply together. "Okay well thank you for answering my questions." says the nurse. "You're welcome," we say as we stand up and walk out of the tent.

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