The Battle of New York

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After I stop crying and I calm down I teleport to the medical wing looking for Nat and a hopefully regular Clint. I spot a door with a name on it and it says, Clint Barton.

Of course, I knock before entering. "Who is it?" asked Nat. "It's Hadley I just want to check on you and Clint." I say. Nat paused before answering probably to ask Clint. "You can come in!" I open the door and upon seeing Clint I look at Nat who nods as though to say he's normal. Then I hug Clint and say "I missed you!" "Thanks Hads!" replies Clint. I know he can't really say I missed you too since he wasn't in his right mind. "Nat, how are you feeling?" I ask. "A little shaky after the Hulk encounter and Coulson. But also relieved that we are alive after the Hulk encounter and that I have my best friend back. Thanks for asking. Now, how are you feeling Hads?" says, Nat. "Happy to be alive and that Clint is back but I am upset about Coulson," I reply. Nat pulled me into her lap and gives me a big hug. "Phil went out as a hero just like he wanted. You know he wouldn't want you to be sad about it," says Nat. "I guess so," I say. After hugging Clint again I say, "Well I am going to give you two some alone time and I will see you soon."

Then I walk out closing the door behind me. After that, I teleport to the main room again to find Nick standing in front of Steve and Tony who are sitting at a glass table with Coulson's now bloody Captain America trading cards sprawled out in front of Steve. I sit next to Steve and then Nick says "There was an idea, Stark and Hadley know this, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, in heroes."

Then I suddenly get a news alert on my Shield Watch. I open it and the news footage shows a portal that leads to space on top of Stark Tower. "Stark?" "What kid?" "Is there supposed to be a portal that leads to space over Stark tower?" "No there is not supposed to be a portal to space over Stark tower. What?! Let me see that." I show him and Steve the news footage and Stark leaves, probably to go put his suit on.

Then Steve takes off with me following him. "If you are looking for Nat and Clint they are in the medical department. Come with me. Hold my hand. Just trust me for a second." Steve grabs my hand and I teleport him and me to Clint's room. "Yes I know I just teleported that's one of my powers." I open the door and Steve says "Time to go." "Go where?" asks Nat. "I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Then Clint steps out of the bathroom and says "I can." Steve looks at Nat who nods. Then Steve says "Got a suit?" Clint nods and Steve continues saying "Then suit up." Then he walks away. Then ten minutes later Nat, Clint, Steve, and I walk onto a Quinjet. A Shield agent says "Hey hey you guys aren't authorized to be in here." Steve replies saying "Son just don't." And the Shield agent walks off of the jet.

We close the door since Stark will fly in his suit and we set course for Stark tower. We arrive just as the Chitauri Army starts coming out of the portal. Nat tells Stark our coordinates and Stark says "What did you stop for drive-through? Swing up Park I am going to lay them out for you." I laughed at Stark's sarcasm. Then I'm disgusted with myself for doing so. I just laughed at Stark. Ugh.

Then we do as Stark said and swing up Park. Nat shoots down a lot of Chitauri then we fly over to Stark tower and shoot at Loki just as he shoots a blast from his scepter at us. Then the Quinjet starts spinning a little and falling out of the sky. Boy am I glad I am wearing a seatbelt, unlike Steve who grabs onto a handlebar on the ceiling. As Clint tries to steer us to the ground we sway side to side as one of the wings hits a building. We hit the ground hard and I watch as concrete turns into rocks as the Quinjet slides across the concrete. We stop sliding and Nat, Clint, and I immediately unbuckle and exit along with Steve. As we run Steve says "We have got to get back up there!" As we stop running and look up to the sky we are horrified to see massive dragon-like Chitauri come out of the portal. As one of the dragon-like Chitauri flies over us I notice that it seems to shoot more Chitauri out from its armor. "Stark are you seeing this?" Says Steve. "Seeing still working on believing. Have you seen Banner? Has he shown up yet?" "Banner?" "Just keep me posted." Nat, Clint, and I take cover behind a car, and seconds later Steve joins us. Armed Chitauri drop down from the buildings and Nat starts shooting them with her guns. Clint shoots arrows at them, and I use my telekinesis and some hand-to-hand combat to fight them. "You think you can hold them off?" "Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure." said Clint.

The Life of Hadley MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now