𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2

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Camille's POV   Team 1 and I have finally passed our qualification!!! Which means we are a certified S

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Camille's POV
Team 1 and I have finally passed our qualification!!! Which means we are a certified S.W.A.T team, but more importantly no more grueling training all day!

"So Hen, what's the plan?" I said while folding a mountain of laundry. "Well Chim and I got Bobby to get Athena to host a BBQ kickback type of thing, so you can make your grand entrance." She said chuckling over the phone.

Chimney and Hen are helping me surprise Athena, Micheal, May and Harry. They don't know I'm back yet, even though I' came back from my deployment almost two months ago.

"I'm so nervous to see them, it's been a while." I said sitting on the edge of my bed. "Girl relax, they'll be glad to see you." She said reassuring me. " I'm sure Eddie will be the most surprised though." She continued with a chuckle. I smiled at that, "It is such a small world." I said shaking my head. "After being deployed in Afghanistan together we both move to LA, and he ends up being so close to my family!" I laughed a little. "Really is such a coincidence but a good one though. Anyway I got an early shift tomorrow, so I'll see you in a couple days when you make your big come back." Hen said. "Alright, thanks again, have a good night." I said laying down. "It is my pleasure, night girl." She said then we hung up.

I sighed looking up at the ceiling. I took a deep breath before getting up and putting all my folded laundry away. I had yet to completely unpack my apartment, but I had managed to do most of my living room and bedroom. The kitchen will have to wait until tomorrow. I turned out all the lights going to bed.

The past couple days have been a blur, and the BBQ is tonight. I have about 9 hours to calm my nerves and get ready. I got to be there by 7pm, so I'll just work on my apartment until like 5pm.

Damn it's 5 o'clock already. I gotta start getting ready.

I took a  shower before moisturizing with some cocoa butter. Once I was all smooth I got dressed in some black ripped jeans, a brown long sleeve v-neck, and my basic vans.

 Once I was all smooth I got dressed in some black ripped jeans, a brown long sleeve v-neck, and my basic vans

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Moving on to my hair and makeup, I don't wanna do too much. After doing my brows, applying a little foundation and highlight, and putting on some lip liner I moved on to my hair. Opting to leave it in it's wavy state, I just touched up my edges a little bit. It's 6:03pm. I organize my bathroom to pass the time and to distract myself.

By 6:35pm I hopped in my car making my way to house. It didn't take as long as thought it would, so I sat in my car for a few minutes texting Hen. Once she was all set I got out and walked up to the door, my palms were sweaty and my heart was going a mile a minute. I wanted to run away, but before I could even take a step the door flew open.

Before I could even process anything, I felt a pair arms wrap around my torso tightly and another pair around my waist. I look down and see May and Harry's head, I wrapped my arms around them them whispering how much I missed them. When we finally pulled away May had tears in her eyes "I can't believe your here!" She said smiling and wiping her face. Before I could respond my eyes locked with Athena and Michael's teary eyes. I walked in closer towards them and they pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

I could hear them both sniffling and and laughing. "Oh, we missed you so much." Athena hugged tighter. "I missed you guys too, auntie." I took a deep breath. They let go and just looked at me, I was starting to get a bit worried. "We just gotta take in the sight of you." Uncle Michael spoke up. "Yeah, I hope I'm not dreaming." May said from behind. I laughed, "You guys are definitely not dreaming, I'm really here. I'm back." I said looking back at her.

"Camille Carter?" I heard someone call, and knew exactly who it was. "Diaz!" I squealed, engulf him into a hug. "Okay I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say those two already know each other." Chimney joked. "Yeah we, uh, served in Afghanistan together." Eddie stated looking at me in shock. "Well that makes sense." Chim shrugged.

"Hi Camille, I'm Bobby Nash, Athena's husband. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, extending his hand out to me. I looked at his hand, then back at his face, "Auntie, who is this white man, how does he know my name and why is he tryna shake my hand?" I said looking at Athena. I laughed seeing everybody's shocked expression. "I'm just playing, it's nice to finally meet!" I laughed, moving to hug him. "You play too much!" Athena rolled her eyes and pinched me. "Ow!" I rubbed my arm and laughed.

"Let me introduce you to the 118. You'll be seeing a lot of them." Bobby said, and I nodded. "This is chimney," he directed to the Asian man, "Hi, we communicated a little bit already," he put his hand out. "Yeah I remember, it's nice to meet you, and thank you." I gave him a hug instead. "You already know Eddie and Hen," Bobby continued and I hugged Hen. "And last but not least, Buck." I laid eyes on a tall, buff, blonde guy, who had what looked like a scar from a fight on his brow.

I guess he noticed me staring because he spoke up, "Um, it's actually just a birthmark." He laughed. "Ohhh, i like it, it's unique!" I laughed. "Well thank you, and welcome home." He put his hand out. "Thank you!" I said disregarding his hand and going in for a little hug.

Incase y'all haven't noticed I'm a hugger.

Buck and I stood there smiling at each other for a couple seconds until, "Hi, I'm Maddie Buckley, Buck's big sister!" She said in a chipper tone. I acknowledged her and gave her a hug. "Alright now that everybody situated, let's eat!" Athena announced.
I was sitting with Hen, just catching up when Chim came and took a seat next to me. "Okay Camille, I've come to interrogate you!" I laughed as Eddie, Buck, Maddie and May came and sat down at our table too. "Oh, so you're all coming to interrogate me?" I looked around the table smiling as they all just shrugged with and amused face. "Okay shoot!" I shrugged.

"What do you plan on doing now that you're back home?" Chim asked. "LAPD." I answered nonchalantly. They all exchanged looks with each other. "Just like that?" Eddie asked confused. "Nah, that answer was too confident. Are we missing something?" Hen chimed in. "I'm on LAPD Metro SWAT." I smirked. "Wait, seriously?" Buck asked looking shocked as ever. "Yup, D-Team." I boasted. "OMG, does mom know?" May picked her jaw up of the floor. I shook my head no.

I guess I can understand everybody's shock to hearing about me joining Metro SWAT. It's intense, especially making it to D-Team. That team has some stories.

"Look Auntie doesn't know I work for LAPD yet, so let's just keep this to
ourselves for now. Okay? Great!" I smiled getting up and going to see if Bobby and Micheal wanted some help with grill.
I think this is longest chapter I've written so far. I'm definitely gonna try to keep it up.
Also please go back to cast, I made a few changes in the characters, so check that out.
I was also thinking of adding a visual of Camille's apartment and car in the next chapter or so.
And lemme know if you can see the picture I put in the media!!

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