Chapter 14

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Omniscient POV
Fortunately for Marcus, 20-David has been responding to calls all day.

Camille now sat comfortably on her couch, in her fluffy robe with a big glass of wine, contemplating assault and battery, when she gets a heavy knock on her door.

Considering it being almost 3am and that she's a black woman living alone, she instinctively grabbed the gun she keeps under her couch.

She creeps up to the door to discreetly look through the peep hole. But before she could peek the person spoke. "C, you awake?" They shouted through the door.

It was Marcus.

Camille snatch the door open not even bothering to conceal the loaded gun in her hand.

"What do you want Marcus?" Dispite the door being opened she still didn't let him in.

"You not gonna let me in? You good?" He was a bit taken aback by her tone.

"Lucky I don't want these people in my business." Camille mumbled, stepping aside to let him in.

"You okay? You seem a bit mad." He walked in and took a seat on her couch. "This wine got you lit or something?" He took a sip of the glass sitting on her coffee table.

"I'm fine, definitely not lit. How's your pregnant wife doing though?" She cocked her head to the side with her hand on her hip and her gun still in her right hand.

Marcus chocked on the wine. "What?!"

"Your wife. Your pregnant wife." She put the gun down on the kitchen counter.

"Why you so quite all of a sudden?!" She walked towards him. "Bitch you better talk before I beat your ass..."

Marcus stood up and took a couple steps back before she could get to him.

"Listen it really ain't what it seems baby." He put his arms out towards her.

"Dont call me that."

"Okay look yeah we're married but we're separated, the divorce is in the works trust me."

"If that's the case then why not say something when you first started fucking me?!" She stood with her arms crossed.

"I didn't wanna scare you off," he shrugged. "I see now that that was stupid of me, forgive me."

When she didn't respond he wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed up her neck and jaw moving to her full soft lips.

As he moved in to kiss her she turned her head. "Leave Marcus."

"C, cmon don't do this."

"I just need a little space right now."

"Aight I hear you, call me if you need anything." He kissed her cheek. "Stay safe."

He slowly let go and walked to the door.

"You too." She closed the door behind him.
After the conversation she had with Marcus the other night she didn't know how to feel about the situation. A part of her wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him but then again niggas ain't shit.

"Hey family!" Camille greeted waltzing into her aunt's house.

"Hey." May flatly replied with her eyes glued to her phone.

"Girl you better greet me right, don't play." She snatched May's phone out of her hands.

"Camille, stop." May tried to reach for her phone.

"May, I'm not playing with you."

"Fine. Hi bestest cousin in whole world!" The teenager exclaimed and wrapped her arms around her in a big hug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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