𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 10

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Camille's POV It's been a couple days since my doctors appointment and my meeting with Hondo and Commander Hicks, which didn't exactly go my way

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Camille's POV
It's been a couple days since my doctors appointment and my meeting with Hondo and Commander Hicks, which didn't exactly go my way.

"So what did your doctor say?" Aunt Athena asked me at the dinning table while we ate breakfast with May and Harry.

"My respiratory system is clear, but he wants my stitches to heal a bit more before I go back into the field." I rolled my eyes at the doctors statement.

"See, you pushing yourself too fast, just give it time."

"Trust me all I have is time. Hondo says I can go back to work next week, but I'll be on desk duty for two weeks." I said while picking the red grapes off my plate.

"Stop being childish and eat the red ones too." Athena hit my arm as she got up from her seat.

"No, they taste ashy." I scrunched my face.

"I'll eat 'em!" Harry volunteered.

"Mm. Harry your favorite cousin is coming to your science fair this afternoon." I flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"You're our only cousin." May deadpanned.

"Don't forget about your cousin Dede." Athena said from the kitchen.

"Any who, I'm coming with your dad. You little engineer." I poked his cheeks.

We made small conversation as Athena and I cleaned up the dining table and kitchen.

"Okay, kids your ride is here. Have a good day, I love you." Athena hugged them bye.

"See you later, mwah." I waved bye and blew them a kiss.
Micheal, the kids and I pulled into the driveway.

"First place!" Micheal said as we all got out of the car. "A plus, my man." He fist bumped Harry then pulled him into a hug.

"It's a science project, Dad. He didn't like get into MIT." May said rolling her eyes.

"Not yet at least." I chimed in.

"It was an engineering project. Kid takes after his pops, what can I say?" He handed him project from the trunk.

"What is that?" I asked a little suspicious.

"Uh...package for mom." Harry got up close.

"Harry! Don't move." Micheal raised his voiced a little.

"Get back, get away from it." I pulled out my phone and called 911.
The firefighters, ATF, and cops showed up within five minutes. Athena came rushing about 10 minutes after.

"CC! You okay?" She pulled me into a tight.

"Yeah, I'm just confirming if this is one of those mail bombs that you've been seeing lately."

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