Chapter 12

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Camille's POV  I stumbled backwards into my apartment but never falling due to the grip Marcus had on my waist

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Camille's POV
I stumbled backwards into my apartment but never falling due to the grip Marcus had on my waist.

He turned us around pushed me up against the door. He lifted my leg up around his waist and rolled his hips against me.

I stifled a moan at the feeling of his bulge against my bare clit.

He grabbed my throat with his free hand. "Lemme hear you." He looked into my eyes as he let go of my leg and slid his hand between my legs.

I bucked my hips to feel more of him.

"You want my fingers in you?" He circled my clit with his middle finger.

I nodded in desperation, because while I didn't like to admit it Maddie was right, I needed a release.

"Yes please," I moaned while he sucked on my neck.

One thing about Marcus, he does not waste time making me feel good.

He added pressure rubbing my clit in slight circles, while he left sloppy kisses down my chest, effectively make me wetter than I already was.

He pushed two fingers into me, curling them into my spot.  I let out a breathy moan.

"This what you wanted, huh?" He went harder.

"Mhmm, faster." I grabbed the hand that was wrapped around my throat for stability.

I knew it had been too long since I had an orgasm when my knees were weak and my eyes started rolling back.

"You cumming?" Even though I couldn't see him I could hear the smile on his face.

"Yeessss," I was shaking slightly and his fingers kept going. "Oh-fuucckk!" I gripped his wrist hoping he would slow down.

"can you please fuck me now?" I couldn't stand still.

"That eager huh?" He licked my juices off his fingers.

"Yeah...and my feet hurt."

"Oh," he picked me up effortlessly. "I'm bout to fuck your life up."
I woke up the next morning to see Marcus sitting up on his phone.

"You gotta go?" I barely opened my eyes.

"Good morning to you too," he looked over and smiled at me. "But yeah, I gotta help my brother put together his daughter's nursery."

"Aw, love that for them," I sat up surprised that my hair was tied down in a scarf. "I'll walk you out."

He threw his shirt on and grabbed his stuff. I got out of bed with a groan which caused him to chuckle at me.

"I'm sorry, is something funny?" I tilted my head, daring him to make a joke.

"Nah, we good." He put his hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I walked into my kitchen, starting the coffee up.

He grabbed my waist from behind and placed light kisses along the side of my neck.

"I just hope you know, I'm not done with you." He whispered in my ear before placing one last sloppy kiss on my neck and giving my ass a hard slap.

I bit my lip watching him walk out the door.

"Mmm. That man knows he's fine!" I said to myself.
After getting all clean and fresh I tidy up a little bit from last night. I tidy my bedroom floor, change my sheets and start a load of laundry before settling on my couch to watch some tv.

I spent most of day alone until Buck called me around 6pm to come hang with him.
I got to Bucks place at around 7pm with some chick-fil-a and brownies because I know this man likes to eat.

I knock a couple times and he finally opens the door on crutches.

I set the food down and helped him get settled on the couch.

"Now Buckley, I'm not tryna be nosey but where's your girlfriend?"

"She has this big project at work going, so she's spending the night with her friend so they can work on it." He said scratching his eyebrow.

"Oh okay then," I found it kinda weird that she just left her crippled boyfriend by himself overnight, but it's not my business. "Brooklyn nine-nine or The office?"

"NINE-NINE!" He yelled stuffing a brownie into his mouth.
"What's wrong Buck?" I asked.

He looked to be in deep thought for like 20 minutes. He didn't comment how hot Rosa was and barely ate his brownies...something's up.

"Hm, what do you mean?!" He looked at me confused.

"I mean you look like you have something on your mind," he scratched his scar and looked down. "Evan, you don't have to talk about it, but if you want to I'm all ears."

"I really might just be overthinking but i think Ali could be cheating on me..." he didn't look up.

"Wow...why do you think that?"

"She's been kinda distant lately. I thought she was just shook from the truck falling on my leg but it feels like there's more to it. I don't know." He ran his hands through hair.

"Okay, honestly I can't you give much advice other than talk to her straight up." I shrugged.

Me personally I hate beating around the bush, unless I gotta tell my aunt my something. In that case I'll beat the bush till it's black and blue.

"Yeah I just don't know how to go about it."

"Just ask her where she sees you guys in a few years," he nodded his head. "And do it when you guys are both relaxed and comfortable."

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea," he finally bit into his brownie. "You know you give some pretty good advice. You should be like a part time therapist." He said while inhaling the damn brownie.

"Firstly, slow down before you choke, and secondly no I don't well with other peoples emotions." He looked a little confused but didn't say nothing.
I woke up 3 hours later at 1am, the tv timed out, and Buck's head in lap.

"Buck get up, it's time for me to go." I rubbed my eyes and tapped his back.

He wrapped his arms tighter on my waist and snuggled his head closer to me stomach.

"Buckley wake up." I shook him as hard I could.

"What!" He groaned barely opening his eyes.

"Get up I gotta go it's late."

"What time is it?" He sat up careful of his leg.

"1:14am" I grabbed all the garbage from the coffee table.

" sure you can get home, it's late." He watched me throw the trash away.

" yeah I'll be fine. You gonna be okay for the night?" I took one of his hoodies he had lying around because it was bound to be a little chilly outside.

"Yeah, but seriously you can sleep upstairs...and your welcome I guess." He chucked at me stealing his hoodie.

"Thank you and I'll be fine. I'll text you, bye Buckley." I waved walking out the door.

After turning what should've been a 20 min drive home to 10 mins I texted Buck goodnight and went to bed, after changing ofc.

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