When they are doing something important and you interrupt to shout at them

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Just a shitpost. Even I think it's a bit cringey. Sorry if it's bad, just writing down whatever weird ideas come to mind.


He was giving a sermon when suddenly the doors slammed open, you having kicked it open, marching in a bit before pointing at him, saying, "Wear a shirt already or everyone will be guilty of the lust sin!" and then stormed out. He could only assume you were drunk or under the impression of bliss, but still sighed and rubbed his temple, not mad at this but just unimpressed and slightly disappointed.


You both were arguing so he blurted out "fuck you!" and shut off the walkie talkie, not wanting to hear your reply and continued the day. As he was giving a speech to the listening people, suddenly the sound of a car screeching came making everyone look to see a car had drifted into view, a lot of smoke in the air due to the tires drifting over the dirt, before you stepped out, pointed, and yelled "NO, FUCK YOU!", stepped back in and drove away. He had to take a minute from his speech to laugh about it, having forgiven you from whatever you did that caused him to be so angry.


You called him cute and he refused to accept it so while he was watching some of the men being trained, making sure it's all going well, suddenly a bullet flew past his face making him quickly snatch his gun and look where it came from to see you on a watch tower not too far away, pointing at him before yelling, "I SAID YOU'RE CUTE, GODDAMNIT!" and then ziplined away, leaving him staring before gritting his teeth before turning and angrily asking the staring people what they are staring at.


She was convincing some poor souls to join, accept this path, and all that stuff, when you suddenly stormed in, a bit of bliss lingering on you before angrily yelling at her, "I don't need to get addicted to this!" and stormed away. In other words; stop with all the bliss, I'm tired of it. But she just smiled and waved goodbye, definitely not planning to stop with all the bliss.

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