Chapter 3

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Tauriel approached the gate with Kili close behind her. There were two guards stationed at the gate, and they would surely be suspicious as to why there was a stranger in their forest. Let alone a dwarf.

"The guards will question us. Just don't say anything got it?"

Kili nodded, looking slightly nervous.

Tauriel walked with a firm stance across the bridge and stopped when she got to the guards. "What is the meaning of this? A dwarf in Mirkwood?"

"Im bringing him to the king. He needs to be questioned. I found him in the woods."

"Very well my lady. Open the gate!" he commanded.

The gates opened and revealed great hallways and high ceilings. Windows took up half of the wall space, letting in a massive amount of natural light.

"It's so beautiful in this pace. I never really got a good view the first time I was here. They sent me to the dungeons right away." Kili winked.

Tauriel felt a smile tug at the corner of her lips. How could he be so chipper right now?

"You shouldn't be acting so happy. The gards think you're a prisoner after all," Tauriel reminded him.

"You're right. Should I start throwing a fit and say you kidnapped me?"

Tauriel began to feel irritated. "Just be quiet!" she said louder than she had meant to. "People going to suspect something!"

Tauriel continued to walk until they reached the doors to the king's hall. With a mighty shove, the door slowly pushed open, revealing a room where trees and vines were the walls. Thranduil's throne was in the center of the room, and was raised off the rest of the ground by a gigantic tree root. A spiral stair case lead to the place where the king sat on his throne.

Tauriel sprang up the steps, anxiety rising inside of her every moment. "Wait here," she told Kili. "I will tell you when to come up." Without looking at him again, she faced the king.


"I bring important news my Lord."

"Of what news do you speak?" he questioned. Thranduil was sitting comfortably in his throne with his left knee crossed over the right one. His staff was in hand and his silver and red cape flowed from behind him. He looked graceful even when he was just sitting.

Tauriel struggled to find words. Her throat clenched and she was silent.

"Well, go on."

And finally she spoke. "I was out in the forest and I came across and intruder. He is here with me now."

"Show him to me."

Kili slowly emerged up the stairs, his boots making a soft scraping sound as they brushed against the ground. His head was held low and his arms were at his sides. He jerked his head upward and laid eyes on the great elven king.

Thranduil was dead silent. Tauriel could see his face turning red with fury. His teeth clenched behind his lips and he stood from his chair. "I never thought that I would see a dwarf again. Nonetheless you. This is the second time you have tresspassed in my kingdom! What did you think would happen? Did you think I would just let you be? No. Guards!" Thranduil bellowed and his hands turned to fists.

"Wait!" Tauriel protested. Thranduil turned his head to Tauriel, his eyes wide.

"How dare you command your king. How dare you..." he just stopped. He jumped down from where is throne sat and walked over to Kili. He bent his back so that their eyes were level, and he could yell and make sure that Kili heard him.

"You tresspassed in my kingdom, you took away what was mine and you betrayed Tauriel by leaving her for ten years, and now you just come back in here like this is your home?! How dare you!" Thranduil pulled his face away from Kili and switched it to Tauriel. "How could you let him just walk back into your life like there was no problem? How are you not angry?"

Tauriel spoke loudly and clearly. "I am angry with him. Such as I have never felt before. But I am also forgiving, and my heart told me to try and let it go. But it is not that easy." She paused for a brief moment. "I do not know how to begin to describe how I feel about this my Lord."

Thranduil relaxed and his shoulders dropped. He stepped in front of Tauriel. "What I would like to know is how you got out of this palace in the first place. I told you and Legolas that you must stay in the castle, and you deliberately disobeyed me." Thranduil's eyes were blazing with a blue fury, such as Tauriel had never seen before. She backed away and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Then Kili spoke. "I am deeply sorry... great king. I know that I should not have entered into your kingdom, and I have no good excuse for it. Please forgive me." With that, he backed away.

Thranduil's expression hardened. "I do not need your appologies dwarf. They do not even begin to pay for what you and your people have done. Now, what should I do with you?"

"Do not put him in the dungeons," Tauriel blurted.

Thranduil turned his head and stared at Tauriel.

"Make him work for you instead. He could be a...servant," she added gingerly.

Thranduil's eyes changed. "That could work." He turned his head to the dark-haired dwarf. "You would work for hours, and be the kingdom's servant. How would you like that?" he added sarcastically.

Kili immediately responded. "I'll do it. Gladly. Anything but be sent into that dungeon again."

"You're desprate. Its too obvious. But, if you wish. You will start tomorrow. Tauriel, bring him to his chambers."

Tauriel nodded and signaled for Kili to follow her out of the throne room.


They stopped in front of a spare room, located across from Tauriel's. It was a dark brown door with a golden knocker in the center. The knob was metal and painted a rose gold color. "These will be your chambers. You're lucky you get such a nice room. Sometimes servants are forced to sleep in small rooms adjacent from the library."

"Well, I thank your king for being so generous. By the way, what would he wish for me to call him?"

"I think that 'my Lord' will suffice."

He nodded, and gave a slight smile. "Thank you Tauriel. This means very much to me." Their eyes met, and they stayed that way for a while. Kili's eyes were a rich chocolate brown, almost impossible to look away from. Tauriel felt his hand slowly meet hers. His touch was warm and delicate. Tauriel's eyes opened wide, and she suddenly moved her hand away before Kili could have full grasp.

They broke eye contact, and Tauriel glanced at the ground. "I think I should go," she stated firmly. And without a word, Tauriel left for her chambers.


Tauriel layed on her back, and stared blankly at the ceiling, and just began to wonder what would happen now that Kili had returned.

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