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Jungkook's POV
Oh that's too much to take in but my father never showed it. He treated my mother well. She was the one with a very unpleasant attitude towards him 😑. But anyways. Here I am standing at the beach owned by the Lee's. They are known to be behaved.  Like we are known to chasers. Oh hell I didn't think I would be in love my enemy and then my father telling me to chase my love is just ...
Anyways, there are many people here.  All royals and also the leading families. Well good for me O have yoongi and Taehyung hyungs here. Shoulders to cry. I still haven't spotted Jimin.

Where is he ?? Is he with his future husband 💔?? Oh it hurts already. Worth it .
It's all I said when I saw my love walking from the entrance to the polar opposite hell yeah why would he come to the Jeons when his father's around🙄.
I feel so....idk
I saw Taehyung hyung sitting with a mask on his face. Why ??
"Hyung!!", I said as I approached him. "Yeah..", he replied. Voice muffled due to the clothed mask. "Why are you wearing a mask ??", I asked oblivious.

"I can't be seen.",he replied."And no more questions.", he said before leaving to a farther table.
Jeez what's up with him. I am just gonna stay here a stare at my baby.
He looks so flawless. His blonde locks falling on his forehead. His plump lips that I wanna kiss so bad. His hazel eyes and those thighs🤤 and-
"Jeon Jungkook ssi. Why staring ??", yoongi hyung cut my thoughts off. "Can't I stare at my love ??"
Yoongi hyung shrugged.
"Yeah you can but stop being obvious!! Duh."

Jikook ff "The MONARCH"Where stories live. Discover now