Unknown feelings

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I was lying on my bed. Back from the beach. All I can think about is Jimin. Was it necessary for me to fall in love with none other than him ?? Many are dying to be my one and only but my heart belongs to my one and only........ 

Just as I was thinking a faint knock on the door caught my attantion. 

"Come in !!", I yelled. Because hell the door is far away. Jung Hoseok aka my bother in law. Hyung's husband came in. "Oh hyung !! When did you reach the castle ??", I asked curiously because neither him nor my hyung lived here. They lived in the Jung's Mansion. 

"Nothing to hide for you kook !! You brother has been busy for the past few weeks and I was hella bored you know I can't stay alone and keep my mouth shut so I came here to have some company I'll be staying for 2 weeks beause your hyung is going out of our area for some business. Also..... I had something to ask from you !!", Hyung said all this non-stop, yeah talking is his ultimate hobby. 

"Ask hobi hyung. I have nothing to hide either.", I said not sure myself. But I trusted Hobi hyung with my life. I can never lie to him. "It's about today earlier ... I saw you looking at Prince Park with heart eyes. I over heard you conversation with Yoongi hyung about being obvious... do you like that prince ??"

"O-oh that....", I thought before continuing. "I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone including eomma and hyung. "

"I won't kook-ah !!", he smiled reassuringly. "Ok then yeah I love him and he has some kind of feeling towards me as well. He's not sure but I am."

"It will hurt you Jungkook-ssi !!"

"I know hyung !! And I'm ready to get hurt."

If my love if fire then I'm gonna let it burn even if it means that I will be blown away by the flames. Love once found is supposed to be chased. We Jeons are stubborn. Not easy to let go.

I won't let go not after I know my lover has some sort of feeling towards me.

I can't help but hope his unknown feelings are love for me.

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