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One week later
Jungkook's POV
It has been days since I last talked to Jimin. His number is out of reach. I wonder how he's doing..
I was so excited to tell him that Yoongi hyung and Taehyung hyung are getting married two months later.
Yoongi hyung just proposed...
I have been trying to reach him but no response.
I hope he's okay...
If that Lee guy hurts a single hair of my mochi. I wouldn't bother and kill him.
Oh did I mention that Jimin's father aka  King Park has called an emergency meeting of all the kingdoms.
There must have been a huge problem.
Meetings like this are once in a decade things.
I hope Jimin is there...
"Jungkook!!!", I heard my mother. "Yeah come in..."
"Why haven't you changed yet ??", she inquired.
Do I have to change to get to that stupid emergency meeting?? Ugh
Oh but Jimin might be there !!
"Okay... I'll change. 5 minutes..", she left as I went to my walk in closet.
" or black ??"
"Definitely black!!!"
I picked my fav outfit and got changed.
Black skinny jeans, ripped knees, black tee with a black leather jacket and black combat boots.
I just can't wait to see Jimin
We are currently seated in a huge hall. Kings and Queens all waiting for King Park. Jimin's husband was here. But Jimin...he didn't come ig.
King Park made an appearance on the stage. Oh so Queen Park isn't here either...but why ??
"Respected Kings, Queens and ministers. I, King Park would like to thank you all for your presence. With great sorrow I am here to announce something...Queen Park my wife is dead. She had a heart fail. Age factor being the cause.", the hall fell silent.
None spoke.
She wasn't that old...
Oh my....
He must be broken...
I wish I could support him....
King Park spoke again.
"As for Prince Jimin..", my heart stopped beating.
"I take down his position as the King to be."
WHY ?!!?
"He is in shock. He isn't in a great condition. I am no longer in the position to keep my post as the King. Therefore, I would like to introduce my second wife."
WHAT ?!?!
A woman with an arrogant smile and heavy gown approached him and pecked him lightly.
"This is my second wife. Park Seejung.
I have another son."
A young guy with a worried expression came up on the stage.
"This is Park Chanyeol. He is 23 years old and is fit for this post."
I won't let this happen to Jimin...
I will take him away...
This is it !!

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