I won't

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Jungkook laid Jimin down on his bed. He starred at him for a brief moment before he said, "Are you feeling better ?? The fever is still the same though. The doctor will be here soon. Till then you can go take a shower. I'll get you some clothes okay ??"

"I'm fine hyung. Don't worry. I think a warm shower would help me.", Jimin replied. Jungkook just pecked his forehead before nodding and going to his closet to get him some clothes.

*After shower*

Jimin got out of the shower, put on the clothes Jungkook had given him earlier. He dried his blonde hair before going back to the room.

Jungkook had already showered and was sitting on the bed waiting for Jimin. He looked at Jimin. Eyes stuck to him. Jimin looked so cute and even smaller in Jungkook's much bigger but comfy clothes. The hoodie was literally too big for him giving him the paws. Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts by a confused Jimin who had his head tilted and kept waving a hand in front of his eyes.

"Kookie ??? Hyung ?? You okay ??", Jimin asked.

"uhm......Oh..........yeah. You just look really cute in my clothes. ", Jungkook said painting Jimin's cheeks crimson. "Come on baby get in bed. You are sick. For the sake of banana milk take care of yourself !!", Jungkook said.


Jimin and Jungkook snuggled close to each other. Sometime later they were interrupted by a doctor who went after scolding Jimin for not taking care of himself. Gave some medicines and left.

"Baby ~", Jungkook called out to which Jimin hummed.

"Tell me everything that Lee guy did to you. Tell me so I can seek revenge.", 

"There is no need for revenge.", Jimi said.

"At least tell me everything. I deserve to know. "

Jimin just nodded. Jimin told him everything from Jaemin's harsh words to abuse. He told him how h was almost starved to death. He told him how he was beaten at slightest mistakes. He told him how hurt he was. He told him how much he missed his Kookie hyung. He told him how he almost got raped once. He told him just everything.

Jimin was sobbing into Jungkook's chest who himself was fighting from his tears.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that honey. I-"

"Don't say that hyung. If it wasn't for you I would've killed myself. You were my only hope."

"I can't change the past but I promise not to let any kind of pain come near you ever again. I won't ever leave you alone. I won't let anything happen to you. I won't. I won't."

Jungkook hugged Jimin tightly almost suffocating him.

"Hyung I can't breathe"

Jungkook loosened the grip on the younger's waist before mumbling a sorry.

"You are so cute hyung !!", Jimin giggled. Jungkook swears this is the best sound he has ever heard. 

"Okay now sleep baby~ I know you're tired."

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