Chapter 14: New Timeline (Part 1)

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There I am. Laying my back on top of a meadow of swaying grass that carries an echoing breeze. The birds sing as the sun's rays don't overstay their welcome lifting up towards the sky. I've been here many times. My mind's escaping wonderland of a dream. I never complain about doing the same thing. Laying my back flat on the grass while staring into the endless white clouds along a rich blue sky. What gets better than that? 

That's an easy answer. Having her there too. Lying right next to me with her charcoal-like eyes always staring back completely lazed into my own. She would have the most glamorous dress. A purple and brown long one to the best my mind can picture, while her hair, twisted and curled is in perfect condition designed and maintained by the Gods themselves. Hearing her voice, mention my name as if I didn't disappoint her, is all I need for a smile to appear while I sleep.

However, every time she asks me to stay, I must sigh and refuse. Simply because I'm not dead, and every time, knowing I didn't die the man she gave her life towards. So, like many times before, my mind brings me back.

With my being floating within my headspace and not resting in a meadow, I can hear voices murmuring to one another. I dare not open my eyes an inch. I just lay there motionless and try to dissect the voices. They're female, that much I can tell, and there are three of them. Somehow that makes me even more nervous. My ears, like a copy machine, put their voices into my brain and come up with some results.

"Say, Lavender, I didn't know we had a guest sleeping on our couch." That voice is high-pitched, filled with life. At least after hearing her voice first, I know I'm not in one of Devastator's interrogation chairs.

"We didn't." A voice says right after who I presume belongs to this Lavender. Unlike the other one, I can sense the aggression and raucous lying deep from where I lie.

"Looks like he's knocked out cold ha-ha." This voice stands out among the last two. It speaks with a modulated tone adding a tee bit of quirkiness into the mix. Reminds me of a certain signet jokester I know.

"Well, he's pretty cute for a guest on our couch." That high pitcher has me flattered, especially since it sounds like she wouldn't hurt a fly. A nice change of things if you ask me.

"Then I guess you can say he is all snuggled up. Ha-ha get it?" That jokester has me cringing and it doesn't help that I am imagining Peter's stupid grin after she says it. At that point, my face struggles to keep itself stationary but I manage.

"Shhh, you two. He's already awake."

That Lavender is a clever one. She sends those breaths right back through my lungs. I'm sure even with that jokester's cringe of a joke, my body was still and my facial features were at the minimum. It's as if she could tell I'm conscious by my breaths alone. I have a feeling she will be the most interesting of the bunch.

With no other options, I sit up slowly with my eyes doing the same and once they open, I finally see my much-anticipated gossipers. They are females as I expected. Besides that, all three look differently from one another to the point I easily match their voices. 

However, what remains the same is how all our eyes stare bewildered at one another. Intrigued yet confused, a state that determines everything depending on what move I make next. Considering all my options once more, I play towards a safer route.

"Hel..lo," I say in a sotto voice that barely got off my tongue. Thankfully they don't try to attack or take my stuff like many others in my time would. They all keep shooting glimpses at one another. One of them thrusts themselves towards my body with one hand out towards my chest.

"Hi, nice to meet you, stranger." Being this close to her, the pitch in her voice is highly recognizable, still, it's pleasant to hear. "My name is Loran and over there are my two sisters Launa and Lavender."

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