Chapter 28: First Assignment

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This has to be the easiest thing that Loran requested me to do. What could be hard about watching over Lana while she plays in the park? Well, she's a fast little bugger, hopping around from one attraction to another from a pile of dirt to a thin curly slide lined up with kids to the slaughter.

Luckily, I find a park bench that oversees most of the park or at least most of the places that Lana swifts her tiny little head towards. Solves that problem. The only other thing to watch out for is something Loran specifically in her ten-minute seminar requested of me.

She stated that Lana tends to try to eat bugs while playing at the park. Simply put, I needed to make sure that she didn't. Simple enough, right? Well, knowing if she's anything like my Lana, then she'll not make it easy for me. I swear she might have snuck some through my sight line, but I do catch her twice.

The first time, she tried to slurp up a line of ants claiming they looked like tiny pieces of chocolate. Then the second time, she tried to catch flies with her tongue. When I asked her why she was doing that, admittedly I chuckled a little when she said "I want to get a pet frog, so that they can teach me how to catch flies. So adorable, that it's hard not to help myself for a slight smile.

Maybe about ten minutes after that with both eyes, I watch her try to catch butterflies with a group of other similar-aged kids. While within the corner of them, I skim the details of Lisa's blueprints using one hand to hold the thick sheet of paper in place. With the other hand, I used to rub my scalp in perplexity trying to make sense of some of the lesser-known scribbles she had on here.

I jump up a little feeling something surge through my neck and spine. My hand only then stops picking at my scalp mid-way as the sudden burst of a vibration erupts rapidly through my flak. Fortunately, I grab my bearings before almost falling off the bench. I also grab that child-size talkie which silently screams being held in the middle of my metal palm.

I completely forgot that Lisa gave me that thing. Not to mention, I put it into my flak jacket pockets in the first place. It continues to flail as I flip it over to view its interface trying to receive a call. I click the obvious red button, then wait and listen for the lisp that I'm so used to.

"Joseph, do you copy," Lisa asks, her voice static at first but adjusting rather quickly to my ears.

"Ah Lisa, yes, I do copy."

"Good, good. I'm glad you remembered to keep this on your person." Sure. "I have your first assignment that requires you to gather something for me."

"Alrighty Lisa, what do you need? Some glue, batteries-"

"I need you to get some carbonite for me."

"Carbonite huh?" I pause. "Alright, that shouldn't be hard to get a hand of."

"That's what you might think Joseph. However, I don't require the refined sort, I need it raw."

"Raw carbonite," I stuttered out to her. I remain frozen with the talkie still inches from my face.

Raw carbonite. I must have misheard her. The static might be interfering with things. Though I slowly doubt that as Lisa, for some reason, lets that silence remain as if she can see the dumbfounded look on my face pouring through that talkie. Or maybe it's taking her some time to get the hint that my silence is serious. Honestly, it's a 50/50 with her.

"Will that be a problem?"

There's my answer. A coin flip and there it is. She asks so bleakly and straight that I thought she had to be joking. Even though this talkie with static starting to pick back up, it remains apparent; that she's not.

"Well Lisa excuse my shock, but raw carbonite is not something you can just pick up at your local grocery store. Are you sure it's absolutely necessary?"

"Frankly, I wouldn't be asking, Joseph, if it wasn't. Look, not only your Emps but that fancy hard drive requires the material for its structure and wiring. So, if you want me to continue any further, you'll need to get some. Try by the end of the day, preferably, if you want faster results."

"OK fine, Lisa." I exhaust. "Do you at least know where I can find raw carbonite then? I'm kinda out of my element in this place."

"Not exactly. Maybe try looking around some of the old dig sites. I hear a lot of the miners had to evacuate recently. They probably left some things behind doing so. Then I can imagine your soldier training can help you with the rest. I'll only need a small chunk on the bright side. And remember, the faster you get done, the faster you can get back home. Lisa signing out."

"OK Lisa, let me just go around and look for an 'old' mining site and dig straight down and get me a big o jackpot of the raw stuff. It should be that easy right? You make it sound as such. If it's so easy, why don't you take a second to grab it yourself huh? Or better yet, you should have a lot already in stock smuggled underneath your bed. No, way easier to let your errand boy get his hands dirty. You better hope I can get my hands that filthy."

"Who are you talking to," Lana muffles through her mouth which turning down to look towards her, looks like a chick monk eating an acorn on one side.

Not going to lie, I'm surprised she even heard any of that at all. I thought I was whispering to myself. Maybe a bit too loud. But first, I need to deal with the acorn in the room which begins wiggling like a worm fresh out of the ground inside her mouth.

"First off, Lana. Spit it out, spit it out." Quickly, not before her eyes give me a peeved expression, she spits out a butterfly that flies away faster than I've ever thought I'd seen. "Then second, to answer your question I was just talking to myself a little bit."

"Owoo, do you do that sometimes too? I only do it when someone really pushes my buttons. Like when Lincoln eats my cookies or when Luana beats me to the TV for one of her drama shows. Are you having similar problems?"

I laugh, "not exactly. I just promised Lisa that I would gather something for a project she's working on. But frankly, I am going to find the task of getting raw carbonite quite a frustrating one. Nothing you'll need to worry your little head about."

"Raw carbonite? I might know where you can get some."

"Really," I yell out almost in pure instinct alone. She wobbles around her head rapidly in response.

In a way, I don't believe what she is saying to be true. That it couldn't be any easier than what Lisa had in mind though my excitement clearly says otherwise. A few people even started turning their gazes from the fresh evergreen trees to me looking excited at a kid.

All their heads seem like they're waiting for a response just as much as Lana is. I sigh, go down to her level, this time lowering my voice and whisper.

"Alright kiddo, I'll humor you for a little bit. Where might I find some raw carbonite hmm?"

"If you want to find out, you'll have to ask Loran if you can take me to my next activity for the day. I would do it quickly by the way. She is supposed to take me after we get home."

After that's all said and done, she only walks past my suspended body and skips with no care in the world toward the park's exit. Taking one glance at her, my eyes can't help but glance back into my hands. One still holding the blueprints, the other with the walkie-talkie. No matter what direction my eyes flee toward, the only real clear path is the exit Lana bunny hops out of.  

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