Chapter 10: The Seekers

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As Peter begins ordering troopers into their positions, I'm left with Lana and the foundlings to watch as the hanger doors expose fully the mountainside view of the valley's sunrise right below our feet. Not quite a sapphire sunset, but Lana does seem to really enjoy the view of the sun's yellow and orange rays from this height. 

I can't blame her entirely. The sun always looks good in orange from this height. It makes it easier to see the two-winged birds that look as if they flew right out of the sun come towards us. 

Two hanger troopers in bright yellow vest help guide the two jets in right after the other. The air the two jets brings slam down around the hanger shooting our clothes back. Lana has learned to stay behind me when the air is like this, though once the air clears, she always rushes as everyone does to see the flyers. 

The process is never different. Many of the hanger bay soldiers do what they need to make sure the jets are stabilized. No one wants to be that soldier who failed the maintain one of The Resistance Fighters' only three jets. Once the pilots get an all-clear from those troops, they are free to have their glory. 

The Seekers waste no time in this regard. Commander Blie is always the first one to jump out of his seat and position himself right where the light from the hanger makes his red jumpsuit with stickers and winged-shaped fringes at the bottom of his sleeves shine. 

He does it this time while also yelling out to everyone in his new's caster voices 

"Aye-Yi-Yi-Yi-Yi, Make way for the flyers."

Everyone does so as he jumps from his jet's window and lands gracefully in a pose, right before taking off his helmet. His black hair was shiny but not in the way Lincoln's hair shines, but in a greasy manner that makes everyone know it is shiny. No one cares as many of the foundlings and a few of the soldiers begin to crowd him. 

Another seeker named Corvus who I can tell by his black studded armbands, his black vest, and his similar greasy hair does the same thing as his commander, landing a less admittedly show-offy pose but still has crowds of people surrounding him before even getting a few inches away from the jet. 

The three other Seekers who wear water blue, yellow, and pink jumpsuits and vests respectively slowly follow suit and gain similar attention. 

Even from here, I can hear Blie already taking the time to go and in great detail about how successful their mission was. Something about his newscaster voice boosting makes my skin sour. But that doesn't stop Lana from augering me to go with her to hear The Seekers tell about the glory that comes with being an elite. 

Before I even could try and think of an excuse, Blie whistles me over. I have Lana go over to Corvus who has most of the foundlings in-loop with his stories, while I deal with Blie. 

"My if it isn't Commander Joseph of the Ragtags," Blie loudly protrudes. "It's been a while."

 I respond bleakly. "Why yes, it has been. I can't remember the last time our squads shared a mission together."

"Yes yes and may I first say that it's nice to see you still using your nurturing side and playing babysitter." He then smirks over my shoulder at Lana who along with the other foundlings is absorbed by Corvus's storytelling. She seems to notice us looking at her and she gives us a little wave. I wave back with a smile hidden from Blie's view. 

"It's a good thing Blie, especially now."

"Ah yes, yes. I have heard over the channel what happened to Lincoln. It is such a shame he had to die the way he did. He was a true hero, a real public figure. To think he would love to hear how successful our mission was. I can tell we are so close to this war ending, I can feel it in my teeth. He then smiles shooting the shine from his whiting right into my eyes. 

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