Chapter 20: Facing Two

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Trouble. I know I'm in for trouble, but I choose to fight it. I am remaining out here watching the sunset sink below the horizon while letting sweat form in crinkles around my forehead. No matter how much my body resists, I know I've been in worse situations before. Taking a deep breath, placing Lana carefully within my hands as a mother would with their child, I slowly slide open the door.

It creaks into the adjacent wall with such dehydration, I know for sure my mind is playing tricks on me. Focusing clearly, the house reveals itself to make no noise. Buildings back in my time like this would only be this quiet after being looted and left to dust. This place might as well be only dust. 

The fact that no one's here to scold me or fight me doesn't sit well while I cautiously walk up the stairs with Lana still in my hands. My mind fights over the many possibilities awaiting me upstairs. Somehow glimpsing back at Lana peacefully sleeping inside my arms lifts a bit of that worry away.

I make it to the end of the stairs only to see one room near the end of the bathroom has a light slightly peering through the cracks of the door. It's the only one of its kind up here, which makes it easier for my eyes to drop looking for the tiniest movement of any shadow. I see only one, but it disappears as fast as it came.

I need to say, knock, or even try to explain myself past the barrier of the door. Anything's better than waiting for them to confront me first. Whatever I do, I can't do it with Lana still in my hands. Remembering the short time coming up here, her room was near the end of the stairs. 

I open that very door only to hear the door echo squealing louder than ever, or at least what my mind tries to make me hear. The sunlight provides enough light to see the room split by two sides. One bed on each. Looking to the far right side all I need to see is the numerous glass mirrors that wink in my direction to know that isn't hers. So, that leaves the side close to the window.

Gently, I place her on the bed, pulling the blanket on top, and placing her cap on the nightstand alongside it. Before exiting I look at her one last time. She sleeps so unblemishedly and in tranquility, I can feel my own heart tighten. I can't recall a time I ever slept as she does. Not after The Great Terror, nor before. 

In a way, I wish I did remember such a time. However, who I was before The Great Terror, no longer exists in my eyes. Seeing this room, this house, these people, they shouldn't have to go through what I did. The mere image of Cliff's bubbling throat every time I think of the word beer?

No. In the end, all the things The Great Terror caused, gave many a new purpose. Glimpsing at Lana softly breaking in the crisp golden air reminds me of such. A reminder of what I must do. Build Lisa's devices, repair her machine, and used them to stop Devastator and his acolytes and rebuild the valley to something it once was. A place of democracy and freedom. 

So that maybe my Lana could sleep that softy not fearing what the future will hold as any seven-year-old should. Maybe only then, I could try and rest in such a way.

Stepping out, I had a feeling they would be waiting for me. It's when I close Lana's door shut with my back turned, I have it coming. Lavender fury reverberates as her fist lands directly in the side of my gut, stumbling me backward. I groan as she follows it with a kick to my shin, dropping me down to one knee. She then tries to aim her feet toward my head. I quickly grab her leg and toss her away like tossing an underhanded ball. Such a predictable step up.

That brief moment gives my guts a chance to breathe.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I yell out, still panting.

"No, the better question is what the hell you think you're doing." She slowly inches closer. "I told them to call the cops on your ass, but no. Luckily now, I can give you a pounding out of here for kidnapping, and then the cops can have what's left of you."

"Look, she was helping me with my prop when the wind took her cap away. So, I helped her get it back. She's safe and sound within her bed."

"Is that so?" 

Lola's voice echoes from behind Lavender who stops hearing the same thing. My body is only halfway off the ground from her sister's encounter when she reaches me and strangles my collar with her fists. 

"You better hope there no a single scratch upon her, or I'll put you the bed personally." As she finishes those fists arch me forward to stare directly into her eyes. How can I laugh or even comment upon her threat toward me?

Those eyes are the coldest I've seen them yet. Within her pupils, I can almost see flames just itching for a reason to burn underneath themselves, and her breath might as well have been from a dragon. If she wasn't a little girl, I would consider her mad. 

I and my Lincoln would always see people like that. But seeing the mere image of Lola's eyes up close has to be the most unsettling. Even Lavender has a cricked look in her eyes watching her youngest sister paralyze me the way she does. I wonder if it's this family that keeps her from snapping.

I push her away, quite easily, once I feel a cold slap run right across my face. Got to remember, she's only a little girl and not a drunk within a bar or a crazy power-hunger bloat. Once Lola is gone, Lavender starts inching her way for what I presume is round two. This time I'm making sure she knows that she got lucky.

Our arm's ready themselves but hers are grabbed from behind by Luana. Then Lisa comes from right behind her and detains Lola. To my surprise, Lisa can hold her demon of a sister while she wiggles around like a worm upon a hook. Maybe she could do more than look smug in a lab coat. 

I look around to see Luna not among them. What would Luna think if she saw this, what would she think seeing this? I can imagine both parties being equally disappointed.

"Come on Luana, let me go. If you're not going to let the cops do their jobs, at least let me give him what's coming."

"Enough, both of you," Luana yells back, pausing for a moment as she stares at Lola who continues to struggle inside Lisa's grip. "Mother would kill you both if she saw how you two are acting."

"Hmph maybe she can, when she decides to come home." Lavender snarks.

Luana then simply says "Then what would father say?"

The crisp air so light becomes heavy quickly. I can almost hear everyone's eyes besides Luana drop upon the floor. Mine I can safely say, want to do the same. When Lana first mentioned their dad to me, she was almost in tears. Now only saddened eyes fill the air. Lavender mumbles something under her breath, which I couldn't hear, but Luana seems to.

She promptly lets her sister's arms go and then we all watch her walk over to me, stretch out her hand, and mutter out a sorry to me. The thing about it was, that I could tell her apology was genuine. However, by the way no one sees her eyes the whole way back toward Luana, I know that she wishes it wasn't. Lola seems to have calmed down as well, but Lisa stands right beside her with a hand close to Lola's side. 

Now with both of them settled, it's my turn. Luana shifts her attention to me still picking myself off the ground. I'm frankly surprised it takes me this long to start standing, but seeing her starting to form a glare into mine, It might be wise to stay down.  

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