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:: real jealousy


younghoon watched chanhee interact with his friends.

"changmin stoppppp!" chanhee whined pushing changmins face away. changmin was trying to bite his cheeks.

"ugh, I need to get changed" chanhee shoved changmin and ran away. changmin chased him but chanhee was lucky to lock the door before changmin could get in.

hyunjae watched amused. "are they always like this?" hyunjae asked Kevin who was yet sighing again. "it's always like this when they see each other, their fans even ship them"

"kevin, haknyeon hyung is gonna get here soon, tell me when he's here" sunwoo smiled and Kevin smacked him in the head. "I'm older than you, you little fuck." sunwoo rolled his eyes and smacked Kevin's head back. "i don't care, I only respect people I'm not close with or I choose to respect and you're not neither!"

"just cause haknyeons your boyfriend!"

"it's hard to believe hak is even my hyung, he's so tiny and like adorable!" sunwoo thought about his lover and anyone could see the hearts in his eyes. "you're like two inches taller shut up" "stop being jealous you bitch"

eric noticed the group and walked over to them. "hey guys and gays!" eric beamed making kevin coo. "well guys and gays I gotta go give chanhee his outfit before changmin tries to attack him" with that kevin left.

"SUNWOO IS HAKNYEON COMING!!" Eric jumped with excitement. "yea he said he'll be here in 8 minutes its been 8 minutes since he last texted me that."

"HAKNYEON" eric shouted seeing a brown fluffed hair boy standing at the entrance with a lost face.

the boy smiled seeing the two familiar faces. "HAK!" sunwoo and Eric both ran but sunwoo pushed eric out of the way and hugged his boyfriend. haknyeon wrapped his arms around sunwoos neck and sunwoo carried him by the thighs. "my baby~ I've missed you" "we say each other two days ago silly~" haknyeon laughed and pinched the younger nose.

"hakie your boyfriend here pushed me out of the way!" eric pouted pushing sunwoo. sunwoo set haknyeon down to fight eric but haknyeon hugged eric before he could. "ERIC! YOU SMALL BABY!" "BITCH YOURE LITERALLY A CENTIMETER SHORTER SHUT THE FUCK UP"

"meanie" haknyeon hugged and walked away from the two boys. "where's chanhee hyung?" haknyeon asked looking around. "he's changing and trying not to get bit by changmin" haknyeon widened his eyes at the very familiar voice. next to him was his idol. "eep" haknyeon smiled awkwardly and screeched running into sunwoos arm.

sunwoo carried haknyeon to the group of the three."hyunjae hyung, meet my boyfriend haknyeon, haknyeon babe meet hyunjae" sunwoo felt like a proud boyfriend, he got his boyfriend to meet his favorite celebrity.

"eeeep" haknyeon hid his face in sunwoos face refusing to look at hyunjaes face. "this makes me sad, do you think he's more handsome then me" sunwoo frowned and haknyeon furrowed his brows. "I told you not to think that, I love you you're much handsome and better mwah!" haknyeon placed a kiss on the younger lips. "yea like we aren't here" eric gagged when haknyeon looked at him.

"yea whatever you're just upset you can't kiss your boyfriend because no one knows about your-" changmin screech interrupted haknyeon.

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