Chapter 69

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"We were asked to come inside," one of my soldiers reply

"By who?" he frowns and Martin shoots him and we move quickly.

There is another door but it requires a finger print.

"Cut off that guy's hand, it should open this door,"

Cole chops of his hand and I grit my teeth as the blood splatters on his face. He brings the hand to the finger print machine and one of the soldiers vomits all over the floor.

"I'm- I'm sorry," he says

"Haven't you seen a hand before?" I roll my eyes sighing "Stand the fuck up, We're on a mission this isn't training, so hold it,"

"Entender?" (understand)

"Si," He stands up quickly and the door clicks open and we head inside the soldiers inside stare at us with confusion and I walk up to them

"Que haces todos ustedes que estan aqui?" The soldiers question us (what are all of you doing here?)

"Boss nos envo aqui para hacerse cargo," I reply in a deep voice (boss sent us here to take over) 

"Por que?" (why) 

Cole steps up next to me "Everyone, hold your breath," He says before throwing something onto the floor and it smokes up the whole room making the other soldiers fall to the floor. 

"There are surveillance cameras!" a soldier yells

I shoot all of them as we make our way to the next room

"We need to cut the power and disable the fingerprints,"

"I'll do it," Cole states and he leaves to find the security room while Martin and I leave to disable the power.

"Done," Cole's voice comes through the Bluetooth and I nod to Martin as he cuts off the power.

We meet with Cole at the Security room heading to find Salvador. We pass through a bunch of doors and soldiers. They seem to have gotten a whiff of what is going on because bullets start flying soon enough and one of my soldiers throws a grenade before we make our way downstairs. There's a door and we see a lot of soldiers who start shooting immediately.

We open the door the soldiers were protecting and it leads to the back of the building and I see Salvador with Carlos a good distance away from me. Cole and Martin are still inside with the soldiers. I look around and it's just me, Salvador, and Carlos who is blindfolded. 

He's okay. 

A kick from behind brings me to my knees and I quickly roll away from my attacker who is a girl. Light brown eyes, long brown hair pulled into a ponytail.

I stand up swiftly kicking her and she falls to the ground. I give her a good punch and she retaliates. She copies some of my moves before pouncing on me. We both struggle on the floor rolling around. Someone pulls her off me and I see it is Cole. Cole notices her face and immediately lets go of her his eyes widen.


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