Ch. 9 Festival Pt. 1

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~*Good Evening Gentle Reader, The sports festival is on the horizon, and slice of life is a great pastime, please prepare thy sports magazine, and enjoy at your leisure*~

Today was the day of the sports festival, everybody was anxious and excited at the same time. Here we follow Chikara as he closes the door, Aizawa drives off in his car and Chikara turns the corner walking a block down towards Izuka's house he arrives at the door and knocks.

Inko opens the door and invites Chikara in, he waits for Izuka and they skip breakfast at the Midoriya's house to go to the local british cafe that opened up nearby.

"What do you think the menu will have?" Izuka asked Chikara as they walked intertwining their arms. "To be honest I don't know. Hopefully good things that we enjoy because its really closeby. Were already here" Chikara stated as Izuka realized they were already there.

They walked in and were greeted by somebody who sat them at a table. They looked at the menu, for a minute then a waiter came by to take their order. "What will we have for the lovely two today?" She pardoned. "I'll have a english breakfast black tea and a blueberry english muffin please" Chikara said "Very well, and for you his lovely lady?" Izuka blushed but answered "I want the same but instead of a Ti Kuan Yin Oolong tea." "A woman of exotic taste I see, very well we will have it to you shortly." She then retreated back to the kitchen.

A minute or so passed of the two lovers just holding hands above the table and shooting the usual talk. Their food arrived and Chikara was pleasantly surprised by the english breakfast black tea. As was Izuka who was instantly in love with the taste and consistency of the Ti Kuan Yin. They both already knew they would like the muffins so they ate those slower.

The time was around 30 minutes before the sports festival and they were taking the train to get to the stadium faster. When they arrived they split up to go to their separate locker rooms

This was it

The festival had finally rolled around. Izuka was feeling overstimulated due to everything that had happened in the past month, she was worried for Chikara and Chikara unfortunately wasn't able to help her because their dressing rooms were separated obviously.

Chikara was sitting down when Todoroki of all people waltzed up to him. "Chikara" he muttered, "Hi Todoroki can I do something for you?" "Not at the moment no i'm just here to talk." "Shoot."

"I think objectively me and you are tied for the strongest in the class, I've got a lot to prove right now, and I see your very close with Midoriya who seems to have a connection with All-Might. So its for that very reason I declare i'm going to beat you." He stated dumbfounding Chikara who didn't expect all that from him.

Kirishima tried to but in and settle it down " Hey whats going on calm down you guys its too early to start fig-" "No its okay Kirishima, Todoroki I don't know if you dislike me or not, but It doesn't matter to me all that much, at the end of the day you are an obstacle currently in my path. It is for that very reason that I will defeat you." Chikara stayed, some swear they could see fire in his eyes.

"Hm" Todoroki stated before waltzing back to where he came from."

~*In the Female locker room*~

Izuka had just changed into her outfit and was about to head out when somebody walked over to her "Deku-kun" "Hm? oh Hi Ura-" "I'm going to beat you." "What's this now?!" Izuka fumbled around. "You have the interest of somebody I had a mutual interest in, i'm pretty sure you guys are together from the way you act together, for a while it made me jealous but now I am going to use it as motivation to beat you." "Now now you two calm down this is nothing to get worked up over" Momo tried to interject. "No its okay Momo, Uraraka, I don't know why your jealous of me because of my boyfriend but I have a lot to prove this festival, and even though I love him. I wont lose to anybody, I'll win!" Izuka said trying to pump herself up.

Next thing to it they were walking out towards the field. All walking together next to each other as a class.

Bakugo was called up on stage because she placed first in the entrance exam, her simple speech of "I'm gonna win" Enraged a lot of people. It just further motivated people like Izuka and Chikara.

The chosen event was the obstacle course. Seemed simple enough to everyone but everybody also knew that this was U.A so it would be anything but simple.

They all lined up and got ready to run. Chikara knew Todoroki had a strategy due to his declaration from earlier so he got close to him.

The race started and Chikara immediately turned his head towards Todoroki and Erased his quirk. He then took off out the starting area, he blinked and then he heard the ground freezing up behind him. He turned his head around and saw Todoroki and Bakugo racing at him with annoyed faced. Chikara didn't mind it though.

He kept running until he was stopped by a big robotic hand that jabbed into the ground, he looked up and saw several Zero Pointer sized robots. He decided to freeze one with his ice and crush the other with his gravity. He then coated his body in lightning and started to run faster to trail ahead of the competition.

Todoroki froze some of the robots in a precarious position, Bakugo blew past them using her explosions to propel herself all the way. When the robots fell it landed on two individuals who immediately noticed they had some similarities.

Bakugo was angry, how dare Chikara be ahead of her? Who does he think he is? She got angrier and started to foam at the mouth.

Chikara got to the pitfall and decided to take it slow and parkour around the big platforms instead of clearing it in one big jump, He didn't want to exhaust himself just yet.

He cleared it all, Todoroki and Bakugo catching up to him considerably, as Chikara was passing through the mine field. They began trading attacks back and forth between the three of them trying to slow each other down. Chikara was about to strike Bakugo with lightning.


Chikara looked back and saw one person, he smiled. It was Izuka. She was flying by on a piece of metal at a million miles an hour it was insane. She blitzed by him and smashed the metal in the ground to slow the three down. Izuka crossed the finish line. Chikara took the time that the other two were dazed to make a considerable lead for second.

He slowed down and stopped in front of Izuka. She looked on the verge to tearing up, she looked up to the VIP section and Chikara saw who she was looking at, All-Might. She looked to Chikara with a smile on her face.

Chikara started laughing because he was so proud she did all this without injuring herself. He pulled her into a hug.

'Izuka did it'

~*End of Chapter*~

~Let me know what yall think of the new revisions to the story here~

1272 words.

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