Ch. 15 Hero Names (Filler)

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~*Good Evening Gentle Listener, Enjoy this chapter. For I have an Inconsistent schedule which inhibits my writing ability, now enjoy at your leisure*~

It had been a week since the sports festival. Everybody was finally back in class. For the first time in a long, long week. At least it felt that way.  Nobody really knew what to think after they saw Chikara like that. His performance was incredible. Bakugo just was almost a criminal, he might even be. Nobody even knew if Chikara was still Alive.

They hadn't seen him he could be dead for all they knew. Bakugo was acting chill on the outside but on the inside he was a little worried. Aizawa walked into the classroom. He looked like he had been awake since the sports festival finale. Izuka had the same look on her face, both of them look like they had been crying, except Izuka a lot more.

Kyoka, Ashido, Kirishima, and Todoroki offered comfort to them, it seems like Todoroki had made friends with the group through Chikara, and in some part Izuka. Everybody heard a knock on the door.

"Is class started yet? Am I late?" Everybody heard a raggy voice ask from outside the door. The door slid open and everybody's eyes widened. It was Chikara, except, he had an arm again! And his skin was healed! Somewhat, he has some burn marks on his body.

As soon as Aizawa saw his son at the door he charged forward and hugged him as hard as he could. "I missed you too dad." Chikara said as he hugged him back. Everyone got up and walked towards Chikara to welcome him back, except Izuka and Bakugo, Bakugo was at his desk and Izuka was standing behind the rest of them.

Chikara gave his friend group of Kyoka, Kirishima, Ashido, and Todoroki a big hug. "I missed you guys!" They hugged him back, Todoroki. Hugged him back. "We missed you too" "It wasn't the same without you Omni-Bro" "You were awesome either way!" "I told them you'd win." They all said.

They all said they're welcome backs to Chikara and good jobs. Then Chikara saw Izuka and walked through the crowd to her. "Hey." He said softly. Izuka hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry!" She cried out tears running down her face. "Its okay." He patted her head.

Chikara looked at her. He could still see that same look in her eye. One of conflict. He decided to not push it. He then walked over to Bakugo. Everybody watched the two. "What do you want? Here to gloat?" Bakugo asked.

Chikara said nothing, instead he stuck his hand out for a shake. "I never would have blamed you." Bakugo looked up at him for a few seconds, shocked but eventually. He shook his hand. "Thanks, omni-loser." He showed his appreciation in his own way.

Class kept on as normal till midnight came in. They were going to be getting Hero Names. Nobody was confident. Except for two people, Asui and Chikara.

They both got up at the same time but Chikara let her go first. Her name was obviously Froppy which everybody loved. Chikara went next. His flipped over his board. It read.

Omnipotent Hero: Omni-Bro. He then looked at his friend group. Ashido, Jirou, Todoroki, and the inspiration for it, Kirishima. Who had tears in his eyes. Everyone clapped for his name.

The rest came up and gave their names out.

Mineta - Grape Fucker (I don't remember his hero name)
Shoji - Tentacole
Sero - Cellophane
Ashido - Pinky
Jirou - Earphone Jack
Shoto - Shoto
Iida - (I think) Ingenium.
Momo - Creati
Kirishima - Red Riot
Yuga - That dumbass name he had.
Ochaco - Uravity
Ojiro - TailGuy
Kaminari - Chargebolt
Koda - Anima
Sato - Sugar Rush(?)
Hagakure - Invisible Girl
Bakugo - (?)

As soon as everyone had selected their hero names. They picked their internships. Chikara chose to go with, EraserHead. Chikara felt like his Erasion wasn't quite fully where he wanted it yet. It strained his eyes to use which Aizawa, his dad never told him about. So he believed he could still grow.

Izuka chose to go with Grand Torino. Aizawa had said that name before, but Chikara couldn't help it for the life of him to remember. He heard footsteps behind him.

He turned around and it was AllMight. "Uh AllMight? What can I do for you?" "NOTHING YOUNG AIZAWA, BUT SHE CAN!" He the points to behind Chikara, he turns and see's Izuka "Okay what the? You were not there a few seconds ago." "Babe, can we talk? Thanks AllMight you can leave now." AllMight then dashed away.

"I've been meaning to talk to you Chikara." Izuka looked at him solemnly. "Are you about to break up with me?" Chikara looked worried. "WHAT?! NO! It's not that I swear!" Izuka fumbled nervously. "I just wanted to talk to you, about my quirk."

Chikara raised an eyebrow. "Go on, i've been waiting for this." Chikara remembers how he believes Izuka has been lying to him this whole time.

"I-I-I got my quirk from AllMight!" She whisper shouts.

"W-what?" Chikara looked confused. "He transferred his quirk to me, his quirk is like a family heirloom, except we're not family." "Thats great and all but why hide it from me?" "Because it's supposed to be a secret." "Why?" "Because anyone who knows is in danger."

"Danger? What kind of danger?"

~*End of Chapter*~

~I do believe that I wont be able to post as much when the semester starts back so don't hope too hard, i'll try to update but my academics come first.~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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