Ch. 7 Recovery

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~*Good Evening Gentle Readers, In the last chapter the hero's won the exchange at the U.S.J at the potential loss of Chikara Aizawa. U.A and Aizawa desperately hoping to get him treated and back recovered, He suddenly gets a mysterious visiter. Please prepare thy munchies and enjoy at your leisure*~


"Can I visit Chikara Aizawa please?"

"Room 309 on the right."


The desk manager watched as a girl in a baggy black hoodie, oversized black sweatpants, and bushy green hair with a face that looks like she hasn't slept in days stumbled towards room 309.

Chikara's situation took a toll on everyone involved, even bakugo started to feel bad for him because she knew she hurt him the most. The people it took a toll on the worst were Aizawa and Izuka. Izuka had really gone down a depressing path since the incident 5 days ago.

Izuka didn't even come out of her room unless it was for ice cream and a drink. Inko grew increasingly worried because she didn't know how to help her daughter. She completely forgot what to do in these types of situations.

Izuka stumbled down the to room, tears dried on her face. She appeared before room 309. Knocking on the door clinging to the hope of somebody answering from the other side.

"Come in" a raspy and droll voice answered from the other side of the door.

Izuka's eyes shot wide open as she threw the door opened. She looked towards the bed and saw Chikara, lying there motionless, he has just regained consciousness after 5 days of no signs of life except for the incoherent breaths he took every 20 seconds. He had every machine you could think of hooked up to him. Some of them didn't even make sense to be in the room. There was a dialysis machine in the corner.

"U.A and dad really went overboard didn't they?" Chikara chuckled weakly. Izuka ran to the side of the bed and hugged Chikara as gently but firmly as she could as to not hurt him.

"I'm not going anywhere Izuka, I promise you that" Chikara said as he coughed. "I thought you were dead. I was laying on your body and no matter how much I begged you wouldn't open your eyes. I thought I lost you and I couldn't deal with it, the moment I heard you might not make it I felt my hope draining." Izuka states crying.

"I apologize, i'll be more careful next time, I just couldn't let my dad die infront of my eyes. Please tell me he's alright." Chikara quivered as he looked at Izuka with pleading eyes. "He's okay he's going to recover, He's been worried sick about you, visiting you everyday. He even tried to visit me but I was locked away in my room."

Izuka felt a hand grace her cheek. "Its okay, why? because I am here." Chikara said quoting All-Might, Izuka gripped his hand and snuggled into it. Then a doctor came in.

"Mr. Aizawa, your awake, can you please come with me so we can run some test and checkups?" the doctor asked. Chikara slowly got to his feet with the help of Izuka. She slowly walked him around as they did tests. It seemed Chikara had made a full recovery and was going to be able to go home within the next 3 days.

This brightened Izuka's world as she couldn't imagine a world without Chikara. As the night settled and Chikara was back in his bed, Izuka was about to leave. As soon as she regretted getting up Chikara grabbed her hand and pulled her closer.

"Please don't go." He begged with pleading eyes. "but I have to or mom will get worried" "Please, if she calls just tell her its me. Please, I need you here right now" Chikara pleaded further.

Izuka called her mom and she said she could stay the night as long as the hospital allowed it. They didn't care because Chikara gave the greenlight.

Night settled upon the horizon as Izuka was trying to fall asleep in her chair. Chikara then scooted over in his bed and patted the side next to him.

"Are you sure?" Izuka asked hoping for a yes. Chikara nodded and she got on the bed and snuggled up to Chikara. 'I cant believe it, we've only been apart for 5 days and yet i've missed you so much.' Izuka thought.

'Please never leave me again'

~*End of Chapter*~

~What did you guys think of the new story i'm rewriting this as? thumbs up? thumbs down? leg me know. I'll make sure to reply to as many comments as possible~

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