sept. 26

573 28 0

today 2:48 PM

Derek: Some part of me knows you had something to do with this.

Simon: wait what

Derek: Who's 315-555-0384?

Simon: why do you expect me to know?

Derek: Well, it was either you or Tori who gave my number out. No one else has it. Not really.

Simon: well it wasn't me

Simon: what'd that person do?

Derek: They texted me.

Simon: and?

Derek: And nothing? I just don't want random people texting me. Is that so weird?

Simon: bro

Simon: did you even give this person a chance to tell you who they are

Derek: Why would I? Again, it's just some random person. It's probably some joke or something.

Simon: what kind of joke would it be? look dude I think you should probably just chill. find out who it was and then you can do your little freak out later

Derek: Or I could just not ever talk to them again. I like that option.

* * *

today 3:28 PM

Derek: Some part of me things I was harsh the other day. Another part of me thinks you are either up to something or just incredibly bored, but either way, still annoying

315-555-0384: then why are you texting me.

315-555-0384: if I'm so annoying

Derek: I don't know.

today 3:36 PM

315-555-0384: is this your version of an apology, Derek?

Derek: Maybe.

315-555-0384: well, I /guess/ I can accept it.

Derek: This doesn't mean that we're friends. Or that we're going to keep texting.

315-555-0384: sure okay

it started out with a textWhere stories live. Discover now