dec. 21

454 23 20

today 12:47 PM

Stranger: oh what a joyous day it is to get out of school early 

today 12:54 PM

Derek: And then be off for two weeks. 

Stranger: yeeessssss

Stranger: I'm going to do absolutely nothing and be completely fine with it

today 1:01 PM

Stranger: do you have any plans for break?

Derek: I have to finish a book and start a research paper but besides that, just the "normal" Christmas stuff I guess. You?

Stranger: well I just told you I'm basically doing nothing 

Derek: Ah, right. 

Stranger: yep

today 1:33 PM

Derek: No plans for Christmas then? Or new years?  

today 1:46 PM 

Stranger: well my dad is not only working but is out of town for his job and my aunt is supposed to take me to lunch or something sometime, but besides that no

Stranger: actually i might have something to do for new years but I'm not sure yet

today 1:54 PM

Derek: Excuse my therapist-esque question, but seriously, how does him being away a lot make you feel? Just from my own point of view, I don't think I'd like it much. And that's coming from a guy who loves to spend his time alone.

Stranger: getting deep are we mr. souza 

today 2:03 PM

Derek: Or you can dodge the question, that works, too. 

Stranger: look I'm not dodging I just, I don't really know how to answer I guess. not without sounding like a whiny brat anyways. 

Derek: I did ask. I wouldn't have asked if I expected an unrealistic answer. 

today 2:12 PM

Stranger: okay it sucks. it really does. not all the time because honestly, I prefer my alone time too, but when the holidays roll around or even my birthday, and there's just no one here besides our maid/nanny, it hurts a bit. 

Stranger: it's not like I blame anyone. my dad buries himself in his work to still cope with my mom, and my aunt says I remind her of my mom too much. and I get both sides and all but yeah, it does suck to know that you may be one of the only kids who is literally spending christmas in a house all by yourself 

Stranger: and I'm so sorry for ranting but I mean you did ask so

today 2:19 PM

Derek: I did ask so don't be sorry. 

Derek: But I'm sorry. Nobody likes to be alone, no matter how much they claim it's okay and whatever else, and I really do get that. 

Stranger: thank you. 

Stranger: I really do feel like a brat though, like ohhh look rich girl's dad isn't home ))))):

today 2:27 PM

Stranger: that was weird wasn't it I'm sorry 

Derek: No, my fault, didn't see I got a message. If anyone has anything to say about you not wanting to constantly be home alone, they can stick it. They don't live your life therefor they have no room to say anything. 

Stranger: I mean I guess

Stranger: but there are people who have/have had a loooot worse 

Derek: You can't compare your apple to someone else's orange. And remind me to never again use fruit analogies. 

today 2:38 PM 

Stranger: I would say something like "you're right Derek" but I'm sure you already know that

Stranger: so I'll just stick with ye old and truthful "thank you" 

Stranger: and I'll remind you daily, don't worry 

Derek: Please don't. 

Stranger: sigh, if you insist 

* * * 

ha im not dead?

if ur reading this go and thank @morgannn07 bc she's the one who reminded me this story existed whoops

but srsly give me some time to direct where this is gonna go again bc i have no clue where i was going with it now, but i ain't givin' up. love u peeps.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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