sept. 29 pt. 1

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today 3:02 PM

Stranger: ya know. you never told me what your plans were.

today 3:16 PM

Derek: I don't see the point.

Stranger: because I won't tell you who I am???

Derek: Precisely.

Stranger: you're so stubborn

Derek: Actually, you're the stubborn one. You're the one refusing to give me your name.

Stranger: it doesn't matter who I am

Stranger: this is the most we've ever talked

today 3:41 PM

Derek: Syracuse University. Hopefully for either Physics or law. I'm not sure which yet.

today 3:49 PM

Stranger: wait really

Stranger: actually I'm not surpised. you've always been smart

Derek: Always? How long have we actually known each other, exactly? Or maybe we don't and you've just been observing from afar.

Stranger: we do. I promise.

Derek: So how long then?

Stranger: a while.

Derek: I'm kind of trying not to get frustrated with you.

Stranger: good boy! you're doing very well.

Derek: Is this Tori? Or one of her friends? Because that sounds like a very Tori thing to say.

Stranger: shhh, you'll ruin the surprise.

today 8:07 PM

Derek: What do you plan on doing? After school, I mean.

Stranger: well I didn't think you meant over the weekend

Stranger: if I say I'm sure it'll give away who I am

Derek: I don't think you understand how patient I'm being honestly

Stranger: I do though

Stranger: honestly, I know. can we just talk about something else?

today 8:19 PM

Stranger: Derek please

Stranger: look I'm terribly awkward in real life and I get embarrassed easily and I'm not ready to tell you yet okay? I promise I'll tell you one day but just not yet.

Stranger: oh my gosh look okay I'm sorry I should have never tried this

today 8:27 PM

Derek: Why the heck would you get embarrassed to talk to me? Or is it a matter of being seen talking to me.

Stranger: what? Derek are you serious? no, of course it's not that. I'm just really socially awkward

Derek: Hm.

Stranger: what kind of response is that

Derek: The kind that shows skepticism

Stranger: look

Stranger: it is you that I'm probably most embarrassed to try talking to

Stranger: but I highly doubt it's for the reasons you think.

Derek: Try me.

Stranger: you're really gonna make me admit this aren't you.

Derek: And I'm waiting.

Stranger: fine

Stranger: I've always found you uh

Stranger: endearing?

Derek: I think you might have used the wrong word. I'm pretty sure that means something along the lines of loving and admirable.

Stranger: my point exactly. you aren't making this easy.

Stranger: look I've always been attracted to you okay? from the way you bury yourself in your studies to how protective you are of your family and how intelligent you are, you've just always seemed different from most guys I guess.

Derek: Are you trying to tell me

Derek: That you have some kind of weird crush on me?

Derek: Alright. I'm done. Tori, right? Stop this bull shit, you've gone too far.

* * *

today 8:48 PM

Chloe: I know we were supposed to hang out tomorrow but I can't

Chloe: I think I'm getting sick

Simon: Tori's gonna be mad at u

Chloe: probably.

Simon: hay I'm just kidding ))))):

Chloe: okay

Simon: Chloe? you okay?

Chloe: Simon I screwed up

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