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Ibuki pov:

I saw Komeada-chan walking on the other side of the road. He was holding something. Looked oike some sort of book. But since i was on the other sde from him. And the cars we're coming this way. I kinda had to run for it. I managed to avoid all the cars. By almost getting killed. Komeada probably saw me doing this.

Nagito: M-mioda?!

Ibuki: oh, hey, Komeada-chan!

Nagito: You could have crossed the street safely instead of almost killing yourself.

Ibuki: Yeahhhhh, but it wouldn't be as nuch fun!

Ibuki: Anyway, what's in your hand?

Nagito: Oh, just a book i bought-

I took if away from Nagito hand. It was a really thick book. How csn he read something like this? We started walking and Nagito was walking next to me whuld i was viewing the book.

Ibuki : Why is this book soooooo thick?

Nagito: I-...i like reading books like that occasionally.

Ibuki: If it's that interesting then what is it about?

Nagito: Its about a murder of a girls neighbor. And the police think that she killed her neighbor and that shes not talking her meds properly and shes been ha-

Ibuki: Aw, komeada-chan he can be so creepy sometimes. Heh.

I handed the book back to Nagito. Why would hd read something like that? I mean it is Nagito. It was quite for a moment. Until i broke thd silence.

Ibuki: Hey komeada-chan?

Nagito: Um, yes?

Ibuki: You should get pricings!

Nagito: Piercings?

Ibuki: Yep!

Ibuki: Like belly button pricing, tough piercing, ear piercing, lip piercing and ect ect!

Nagito: Why would i have ever get a piercing?

Ibuki: I dunno, i thought you might look good in one!

Ibuki: I beg you komeada-chan! Please get a piercing!

Nagito: Ah-?

Ibuki: O-or else... I.. I will call you a child r#apist! I know how you touch those kids!

Nagito: W-what are you talking about?

Nagito: A-and what kids???

Ibuki: D-dont act dumb! T-those children that your babysitting i know how you touch them especially that pickle girl!!!

Nagito: Wha-? Ah- l-lower your voice! Im-im only taking care of them frequently. And i think you mean monaca? I.. Do not touch them... In that way. I help Monaca get back on her chair.

Ibuki. likely story!

Nagito: Im-im telling the truth!

Ibuki: And i bet that book youd reading is filled with p+rn!

Nagito: A-alright! I'll...ill get a piercing..

Ibuki. Aw, cool guumy bears! I was only joking about the p*rn and te r#pist this ya know!

Nagito: Mioda..?

Ibuki: Heh, s-sorry not a cool thing to be joking about... I know.

Nagito and i started talking about random subjects. Nagito... Was not a bad person to talk to. Although, hes fella creepy and sometimes gives me the chills up my spine. When hes having those moments. Nagito is a pretty chill guy. I have never seen him angry. Nor have i seen him crying. I feel like the only emotion he has is happy, chill, confused, crazy, flustered or in love. I mean... those are thd only emotion ive seen him with.

Nagito: Though, i have never read a children's book my mother never realy gave me any but i do find them odd and a bit idiotic. Does that answer your question mioda-chan?

Ibuki: Huh? Oh- yeah, yeah!

Ibuki: ..... Do you ever get mad?

Nagito: ........ Um, yes???

Ibuki: Waitttttttt what?

Nagito: B-buts it quite rare though.

Ibuki: I didn't think you had such an emotion!!!

Nagito pov:

Ibuki and i were talking for a while. Until she had to go meet chaki and mikan. I said goodbye to her. And continued my path to my house.  It was quite a sunny day today. I opened the door. Kokichi was probably sleeping. I put book down and sat down. I covered  my head in my arm putting my head down on the desk. I was tired. I bought do many books. I was holding the big book in my hand only because it didn't fit in the bag thry gave me. I heard the fridge open.

                                                               Is kokichi awake?

Words 710

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