Chapter Four: Miya Covain

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"are you scared of what the love will bring?"

Beep, beep, beep
The alarm I had set on my phone went off, my eyes sprung open as I turned to turn it off,  I had laid there for a little. Trying to compose my thoughts, and wake up. I slowly sat up, and eventually I started my morning routine like usual. Then got to school like usual, the only unusual thing about this was, him.
He wasn't at school, which kind of made me feel a little sad.
I hope he is okay, I hope he shows up tomorrow.

After two weeks of going to school, he finally shows up. He walked through the door, and sat down at the table, he looked terrible. I sat there listening to my music as I studied him, he looked very rough, way more rough than usual. Is he okay? I asked myself again. Finally, someone decided to say Something! "James? You look like you woke up in a field or something?" Said Brekken as he laughed in a joking manner. Than he responded, " haha! Yeah woke up in a field half naked!" He replied to the joke before actually clarifying why he looked rough. "I was in the city for a bit, drinking!" He muttered before making another joke about waking up in fields pissed drunk. Which I can only laugh at.
The day continued on as usual, the usual dark jokes, with a spice of normal.

Months pass, until finally the class comes to a close, James and I have really never spoke. Only a little few words here and there, but does that count as talking?

I think I like him.


pril 5th

A couple weeks after Drivers Ed had ended.

Me and Maggie sat at the same table, only because we hated having lunch in the cafeteria, since the class had ended we have been asking Merhnaz if we can go to her class for lunch. I watched as James walked around with Tyrese, Felix and Keegan. Admiring him from afar, until someone caught me, "why don't you talk to him?" Maggie had asked as she raised a brow, before taking a sip of her juice. I looked at her, with a smile, "...shy I guess?" "Should I talk to him?" I said before looking back at him as now he was alone. Maggie laughed before pointing at him, "now's your chance, he's alone?"
And with that, I sped walked up to the boy, my heart raced as I started to talk, "hey! What's up?" I muttered, my heart raced even more as I smiled at him.

"Oh hey, nothing much, just walking" he laughed as he looked at me, his smile was so adorable. I loved it. "Ahh I see, hey do you like cats?" I didn't realize what I said until I said it, my eyes widened a bit as my smile dropped. "Yeah I like cats" he chuckled again, before fixing his sweater. "So, what if cats can talk?" He asked, which I laughed at, because I thought I had embarrassed myself with what I had said. Which was a big relief to know I didn't. "Then all my conversations with my cats won't be so meaningless!" I replied as now I started to get a bit comfortable with the conversation, and him.

He laughed, and smiled before asking me what type of music I listened to and what I was into.
I replied with rock, alternative, rap, and honestly anything that sounded good.
I knew James was a metal head but, I didn't know he was a major metal head. U til that moment when he mentioned a band I had no idea existed, and I'm glad he showed me. "Tool? It sounds so awesome!" I bickered on about the guitar, and vocals. Which he added on about the meaning of the songs Tool made. But unfortunately our lovely conversation ended as the school bell rang, signalling for class. God I hated those bells, but I loved them, only because they allowed me freedom, for a little.

From then on, every break we talked, but this one break was, well heartwarming for me. We stood outside of the school against a brick wall, he looked a bit down. Why was he so down? Is he okay?....can I help?
These questions ran through my mind as I looked at him, I felt a strong negative emotion. "Hey? You okay? You can talk to me if you want? It's okay if you don't want to, I can tell somethings wrong" I said with a assuring comforting smile. He looked up at me, and nodded, "...I'm not okay....I've been thinking about my mom lately" he said as he sat against the wall.
"I don't know what happened, but she will always be with you, not matter what" I said while smiling, "I feel responsible for her death, I killed her" he muttered as he began to cry. I felt a rush of sadness over come me as I had always seen him with a smile on. I couldn't help but ask, "can I hug you?" It just jumped out of my mouth, I was surprised by it as much as he was, his eyes widened before he nodded and wiped his tears. I walked over, and held him, I gave him a romantic, comfort hug. "Everything is going to be okay.."  I said as I cradled him a little, which seemed to calm him down as he wasn't crying anymore. "Thank you.." he said quietly but enough for me to hear. I nodded, but our moment was cut short when the bell rang, although it was the end of the day, it made me a bit sad, as I would be parting ways with James for the night. Which wouldn't be long but, it made me happy to hold make him happy.

"We should go" I muttered as I let go, his warmth went cold as I let go. I frowned, but he turned it upside down as he smiled, "see you tomorrow?" He said before turning and opening the door for me to go inside the school.
I smiled and said "thank you, and yes see you tomorrow"

With that, I was on my way on my bus, brekken seemed a little to excited today. "Miya! Proms coming up! Who you taking? Girls choice!" He stammered, with a huge smile. I shrugged as I sat down on my seat, "I don't know if I'm going to go to be honest" I said as I plugged my ear phones into my phone. "You should go with James..." He winked as he took out his speaker, which made me stop and smile uncontrollably. "Uhm-.....will he say yes?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, he nodded, "of course he will! I think he really likes you" he smiled as he started to play music, which made me put my phone away.
I had butterflies in my tummy with the thought of going to prom with James.
I might ask him....although I'm scared he might say no.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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