[6] Sleep Sounds Good Right About Now

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I have returned from my slumber! Apologies for the hiatus, but I'm back now! ANYWAYS, I have added a lot more things and rewritten some parts of all the chapters before this one. So I advise you to reread the previous chapters, I made them more detailed so it's more fun and better to read!
I once again apologize for my disappearance, and have fun reading!

"Can I see your soul?" Ink suddenly blurts out.

You look at Ink, startled at his sudden outburst. You stay quiet for a second, was it a good idea to show your soul? What if Ink will try stealing or breaking your soul just like Error did? You really aren't ready to go through that amount of pain again, never again. It was hellish and if you could rate it? A solid 0/10. Ink notices your look of distress and reassuringly places his hand on your shoulder, a soft smile evident on his skull. "Don't worry, I won't do anything! I'm just curious, maybe it could explain why Error took you."

Slightly relieved with his words, you look back up at him, "I don't know how to show my soul, though." You admit.

"Oh, I'll help!" Ink got closer to you, a grin spread across his face as he extends his hand towards your chest, hovering his hand slightly before it so he didn't touch you. Though the closeness made a blush spread across your face.

A soft glow started forming before your chest, a weird sensation spreading through you. It once again feels like something got pulled out of your chest, an empty coldness appearing in your once warm chest. A familiar-looking heart appeared in front of your chest. Its golden glow illuminated around you as it shimmered slightly. The three skeletons around you froze as they stare at your soul, a look of shock on their skulls. You, just like the skeletons, stare at the heart-shaped object in front of you. You still aren't used to the sight of it. You notice a slight crack forming on the edge of your soul. Error really did do something to your soul. The bitch.

"WOAH, WHAT KIND OF SOUL IS THAT?!" Blue exclaimed as he got closer to you, his starry eyes inspecting the heart in front of you in wonder. He looks intrigued, but not the way Error was, Blue looks more like a small child seeing a phone for the first time.

"I've never seen a soul like that before.." Ink mumbles, his eye shapes changing rapidly as he inspected the soul. You expected a guy who protects and creates universes to know, but it seems like your soul is just one big mystery throughout the whole.. Multiverse? Stretch, who is still sitting next to you, remains quiet as he also observes the soul.

You awkwardly look away from the pair of skeletons and instead focused on staring at the ground. "So, what now..?"

The three skeletons around you stopped intensely staring at your soul and instead started bickering about what your soul could be, completely ignoring your question. You let out a groan as you usher your soul to return into you, the warmth returning into your chest. "So, there's no information of my soul at all?" You asked, stopping the argument between the skeletons, their attention turning back to you.

"Not for now, no." Ink answers your question, leaving you disappointed. " Though I have some books stored that contain information about souls, I could look into that later."

" OH, OH! I HAVE SOME BOOKS TOO! MAYBE THEY'RE HELPFUL!" Blue spoke up, his fist pumped into the air as he grins proudly. Though Ink was quick to burst his bubble.

"Blue, the books you have are basic, there's no way there's information about her soul in there." A frown appears on Blue's face as he sinks into himself, a saddened look on his face. You quickly pat him on the shoulder in a comforting manner, not liking the sight of him sad. It luckily boosted his mood again. He switches moods quickly.

"So, anyways, can I go home now? I really just want to sleep." A yawn leaves your lips right after saying that, your half-lidded eyes turning to watch the robot dance on the TV screen again.

"About that..." Ink scratches the back of his skull, avoiding eye contact with you as you look back at him, "You can't go home."

You stare at the colorful skeleton with a dumbfounded expression. "What do you mean I can't go home?" You couldn't think of a single reason that could keep them from letting you go home. Do they have ill intentions after all? Are they robbing you of your freedom?

"Well, now that Error knows that you have an... unusual soul, he won't stop coming after you. He's persistent like that. He also knows where you live soooo...." Ink trails off, sending you an apologetic smile. You stare at Ink, at a loss of words. Ink has a point, but does this mean you never will be able to go home? You can't run and hide forever, you can't let some weird glitchy skeleton do that to you. Besides, you got a pair of loving friends to return you, you can't just leave them behind like that.

You feel yourself start to tear up.

You jump as you feel a skeletal hand on your shoulder. You turn to see Stretch sending a lazy but comforting smile to you. You force a smile on your face in return. A part of you wants to ignore Ink's words and just go home and go swimming with Jenny, but you know that Error would go after you when you do. You don't want Jenny to be caught in the crossfire, she doesn't deserve that. Then again, do you deserve this? To have your freedom robbed away from you just like that?

Letting out a tired sigh, you stand up, ignoring the worried gazes of the skeletons around you. "Can I at least grab my stuff and talk to my friend?" You turn to face them, holding a persistent look.

"Fine, but we'll have to make it quick. He could be going there to look for you." Ink sighs but accepts. your request, standing up with his paintbrush in hand.

"WILL THE HUMAN BE OKAY?" Blue asks as you and Ink got ready to leave. You turn to Blue, a soft smile on your lips.

"I will be okay, Blue." You gave the bubbly skeleton a quick hug, to Ink's dismay, and then turned to the painter once again. You raise your eyebrow at Ink's expression, confused at the annoyed and jealous look that flashed across his skeletal face. It disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, though.

Ink got his paintbrush ready, about to swipe it down to create a portal, but froze. "Wait, what AU do you come from?" Ink turns to you, his eye lights turning into question marks. You freeze at his question. What AU do you come from? So far the only AU you know is your own and the one you're in right now. Thinking about it made your brain hurt. "What are the monsters like?" Ink instead asked.

You ponder for a bit before answering the question, "Uh, the monsters are kind? They came to the surface a few years ago. They're pretty nice, the humans pretty much accepted them into society. "

"Sounds like Undertale." Stretch commented as he leans back into the couch, grabbing a cigarette from his hoodie pocket and lighting it up.

Ink nodded, agreeing to Stretch's words. "Undertale it is!" Ink swipes his paintbrush, sending a paint splash on the wooden ground. You wonder if the paint has to manually be cleaned after he enters it or if it just disappears. It sounds like a pain to keep cleaning paint whenever Ink's around. You sure would be pissed if that'd happen.


"Right, I'll be careful Blue. See you!" You spare the pair one last glance before stepping into the paint Ink had left earlier. Successfully entering the universe you call home.

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