[2] Okay mom...

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"What the hell was that?!"

After the kid falling from the tree incident, Jenny dragged you all the way to an alleyway, where no one else could hear you. Her arms are crossed as she stares directly into your eyes, studying you closely. She reminds you of a mom scolding her child for breaking a rule, something you had to experience multiple times in your life. Not a pleasant experience.

You look down to avoid her harsh gaze, instead finding interest in the dirty ground below. You didn't know what to say. You didn't know how to explain that you had the ability to use magic for years, that you did everything you could to hide your abilities from the public eye.

Before, you always used your magic for your convenience, like levitating your phone when you were too lazy to stand up or to slice bread with the golden sword you could summon. It is useful, but you've always felt like you should be doing more with your abilities. The protentional your ability has is still unknown to you, but you have no idea how to train your magic or what to do with it. Especially since you are a human, a human in a world where only monsters are supposed to possess magic.

You never told anyone, you hadn't even told your parents, you didn't even let the birds, that flew across the city, see. From the day you were born till now, it's always been only you that knows of your magic. The thought of your abilities being exposed to others scared you senseless. Well, it wasn't necessarily that, it was the consequences it might bring. You've thought of every doom scenario of that what could happen.

"Babe." Jenny's calm voice made you look back up to her. Her harsh expression from earlier had morphed into a concerned one. Her bright purple eyes gaze into yours, bringing a small sense of comfort. "Do you know how dangerous it was to use your powers out in the open like that?"

"I... I know, I just.. I couldn't let him die like that, Jen."

"I get it, but still, do you know what would happen if they found out you, a human, have powers? Humans aren't supposed to be able to use magic, [Y/N]."

"Well.. yes.. but.. I just,-"

"You were lucky I was there, who knows what could've happened if I wasn't." Jenny cut you off.

"W...well yea... bu-"

"You were careless, [Y/N]."

She is right, you were careless. You shouldn't have used your magic like that, not in a crowded park. If anyone found out, then all your struggles to keep it a secret would have been for nothing. Though, if you didn't use your magic, the kid would've died, and you'd have to live in guilt, knowing you could have saved the child from his death. No one else was there that had the ability to save him, at least, from what you saw. You had to choose, save the child and expose your magic or let the child die and live in guilt forever. You had decided to save Kai.

"I'm... I'm sorry." You mutter as you look down once again. You can't bring yourself to face her, not with the shame and fear you feel.

Jenny sighs, she wraps her arms around you, enveloping you in her warm embrace. "Look, I'm just worried about you, okay? I don't want to lose you." The care and sincerity in her voice truly warm your heart. You feel like you don't deserve someone like her, but she's still here, and you will appreciate it as long as you can

"I know, I know." You return the hug from the fish-like monster.

A loud beep broke the comfortable silence between you and Jenny as you part from the hug. Jenny reaches into her pocket, fishing her phone out. Her eyes glide across the screen before letting out a sigh. She turns her phone off once again and shoves the device back into her pocket. "Sorry, hun, duty calls."

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