[7] Man.

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Hi there! 
I'd like to say that I will not be posted regularly as I've started streaming recently and have been focusing a lot on building up my career. (oxcharaxoo on Twitch if you want to check it out) Aside from that, I got school to worry about. I will try to post as much as I can tho!

Also, I saw this pretty awesome story + account, it's an interactive one and I even managed to message the owner and they're very in character! Who knows,. maybe it's real? ; o 
https://www.wattpad.com/1078864166-the-wonders-of-lunae-entry-1  (the wonders of lunae)


The house is in the exact state as you left it. Well, if you count the attack that happened along with it. 

The room is overall still clean and spotless. Especially your kitchen, which you had scrubbed for hours after the cooking session you pulled. However, what had changed is the rather large dent in the wall where you had crashed in by Error's hands. A few droplets of blood lay on the ground. You assume that they're from you, as skeletons aren't supposed to be able to bleed. Your phone also lays close to the wall you crashed into. Looking closer, you can see a few cracks in the screen, but not too bad luckily. 

You're so going to punch Error in his face when you see him. That, and make him pay for the damages and a new phone. 

Ink, who stood next to you, now stepped around the room, looking around in wonder. Much to your relief, he didn't question the dent in your wall and instead ignored it. 

Bending down, you grab the cracked phone from the ground and check if it still opens. The phone lit up at your touch, showing a bunch of missed calls and texts from none other than Jenny herself. It's clear that she's worried, very worried. The messages date back to two days ago, much to your surprise. You had been passed out for far longer than you originally expected. You glance at Ink, who's still exploring your house, and then back at your phone. It's best to call her later and retrieve your stuff first. 

"I'm going upstairs to grab my stuff." You call out to Ink, who hummed in response. The skeleton glances at you, a hint of worry in his eyes at your solemn look. 

"If you need anything, or if you see anything out of the ordinary, do call for me." Ink replies to you, his colorful gaze boring into yours. 

"Will do." You reply, tearing your eyes from his. You climb the stairs and instantly head into your room. Much to your relief, the room is exactly as you left it. At least the glitchy TV cosplayer didn't break into your room and trashed it, you would've certainly ended his life on the spot if he did. You start packing your bag, filling it with all the necessary items you need for now. This includes clothing, items to entertain you, beauty products, maybe a few snacks, and your comfort items.

 The whole situation seems so unreal to you. Just two days ago you were just obliviously cooking spaghetti, blissfully unaware of the horror that laid outside of your small little world. Now here you are, targetted by creatures that destroy and kill people for their own gain. Well, one of them. The whole concept of multiple universes existing feels so unreal to you. This brings you back to what Ink said, though. So he creates universes? Is that his way of saying he's a god? So many questions fill your mind, each bringing more pain as they pass. Ignorance is bliss, they were right.

"You were careless, [Y/N].'

"Huh?" You turn around, startled at the sudden noise, but nothing meets your eye. Your room is empty, no one's there but you.
An unexplained gloomy yet fearful feeling starts building up within you, leaving you more confused than before. The feeling settled only deeper in your stomach as you glance around your room, your breathing taking on an irregular pace. Were you going insane? Was this your lack of sleep talking? 

"You could never survive without me, you're useless.'

That's Jenny's voice, you're certain of it, but she would never say that, would she? The unsettling feeling only grows deeper as you take a step back, leaving your bag as it is. Would Jenny really say something like that? Would she betray you just like everyone else did? Wait, that's not right. No one has betrayed you before, but all those monsters and humans that ignored you. Left you fending for yourself when you were desperately needed help. Just turned a blind eye and made you live in fear for your own powers.

No, what are you thinking? 

You grab onto your hair in an attempt to control yourself and your thoughts, who only seemed to take a more dark route. You would never think like that, something seems to be messing with your head, but you cannot pinpoint what. You feel your Soul throbbing desperately, trying to break free from whatever dark cloud had formed around it. 

"Your powers are useless, just like you.' 

Jenny's voice once again calls out in an attempt to stop you from breaking free from whatever it cast on you. This time, though, the voice seems closer than before. You look up, seeing a shadowy figure stand just a few meters away from you. It looks like Jenny, but more sinister. 

"That's not.. that's not true, they're not useless." You defend yourself as you back away from your 'friend'. "This isn't- this isn't you, Jenny, what are you say- saying?!"

'Jenny' merely smirked at your weak attempts to defend yourself. Her dark laugh filling your room and bringing shivers down your spine. "Then use your powers, kill Ink. He tried to take away your freedom, so show that you deserve that soul."

You hate to admit it, but for some reason, her words sounded tempting for just a few seconds before you caught yourself. "No! He's trying to protect me, I refuse to kill anyone!"  You manage to glare at 'Jenny' as you stand up taller, trying to act tougher than you actually are. 'Jenny', for some reason, looks slightly surprised at your outburst, not expecting that you managed to break free from the dark feeling that had been swirling inside you for the past few minutes. 
You keep up the glare, about to yell at Jenny to leave before a sudden movement catches your eye. Wait, since when does Jenny have tentacles? 

The tentacles behind 'her' back swayed around manically shortly before shooting right at you. Before you could form any sort of reaction, they hit you head on and blasted you right into your wall.  You let out a pained gasp, blood escaping your lip as your back collides against your bedroom wall. The tentacles wrap around your arms and your neck, keeping you in place. 

The creature that now stands before you looks nothing like what you saw before. Instead of Jenny's features, it now appears to be looking just like the other creatures you came across for the past two days. A skeleton. Though, some rather notable changes make him stand out. For starters, he's completely covered in a dark goop, some of it covering his eye. The goop drips from his body and stains the carpet below him, which majorly pisses you off. Aside from that, he has tentacles swaying behind his back in a threatening manner. Scratch punching Error, this guy is definitely going to get it.

"I must say, I'm surprised you could break free from that." His deep voice snaps you right out of your thoughts. His voice is way deeper than the skeletons you met before, it almost sounds attractive. Almost. "It's a new technique, do you like it?" He chuckled, his bright cyan eye lights boring right into your [Color] one's. 

"F--- you." You grunt out, which in return only made the tentacle around your neck tighten dangerously. You try to move your arms, wanting to claw the tentacle away from your neck so you can breathe properly, but fail to do so. 

"Now, now, that's rather rude, don't you think?" The skeleton only grins, not making a single move to let you breathe. His expression says enough about him, he enjoys seeing you suffer and fight for your life. It's nothing but entertaining for him.

"[Y/N], everything okay? I heard a noise and i-" The door opens, revealing a shocked Ink standing in the doorway. His eye lights glide between your captor and you, trying to register the situation. As soon as it did, though, he reached for his abnormally large paintbrush on his back. However, he was stopped mid-movement as you let out a loud cry of pain. 

The skeleton that kept you captive had wrapped the tentacle around your arm so tightly that it broke your bone, the one around your neck preventing any air from entering and leaving your lungs. You gasp desperately for air, tears sliding down your cheeks as your eyes fill with desperation. 

"Move any further and I'll break that pretty little neck of hers." The creature warns Ink, his gaze leaving you and now training on Inks. 

Ink, in response, gulped as he raised his arms in surrender. "Stop this, Nightmare. You have nothing to gain out of this." So that's his name. It fits.

"Oh really? She dies and I can steal that soul from her, I call that a big gain." Nightmare seems annoyed by Ink, probably because he interrupted him. 

"She dies and her soul breaks along with it. You'll be left empty-handed." 

"Are you sure about that? What makes you think that it will break?" Ink kept quiet at that, a fearful look forming on his face. 

"Exactly." By now, Nightmare has loosened the tentacle around your neck just enough to let you take small gasps of air. It wasn't much but just enough to leave you conscious. You glance at Ink, noticing a small spark of magic coming from his way. It appears that he has a backup plan, a sneak attack perhaps. You feel your Hope spark up just a little at the thought.

Though your small spark of hope got cut short as Nightmare glances from you to Ink, a scowl now forming on his face. "I warned you." Nightmare growled at Ink, catching onto his small scheme. 
Before you knew what happened, Nightmare moved you away from the wall, his tentacles leaving your arms and the one around your neck remaining. 

He then chucked you right out of the window. 

Ahem, anyways. Me again.
If anyone wishes to roleplay with me, do hit me up! I roleplay as any character so just ask :) Anyways it's midnight so adios. 

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