[5] Deadly Tacos

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Wrapped up in a warm and fluffy blanket, you tiredly watch the show that played on the tv screen before you. The screen shows a robot dancing with multiple weapons in hand. They made various poses while the music blared in the background. The show has no plot other than the robot and their weird seductive moves. The robot is almost similar to the famous robot back at your home, mettaton. You wonder if they're siblings somehow.

The show confuses you, but you decide not to question it.

Next to you, Ink is explaining the situation to Blue and the new skeleton, Stretch. Stretch showed up once you and Ink entered the house. He doesn't trust you, you could easily see that. You don't blame him, though, he didn't know you at all. And, as a matter of fact, you don't trust them either.

"Wait, what is your name anyway?" Ink suddenly spoke up as he turns to you.

"Huh?" You remove your gaze from the tv screen and look up at Ink, "Oh, I'm [Y/N]."

Ink turned back to the other two skeletons, who also glanced at you for a second before turning back, and continued with talking. What they were talking about was beyond you, you couldn't hear a thing and honestly didn't bother to try and hear either.

You are still beyond confused. You have no idea where you are nor who those people are OR why they all look the same. Whenever you try thinking about your situation, your headache gets worse, so you decided to leave it be until Ink explains the situation to you. The moment you two arrived, they started talking and didn't bother for a second to explain it to you. Maybe they didn't trust you, or maybe they just didn't realize the confused state you're in. You sigh as you tiredly sat on the couch, pulling your warm blanket closer to you. Your back still hurt from the impact you made against the wall, but thanks to Ink and whatever he did, it hurt less. You were sure it would leave a huge bruise, though.
You silently promised yourself to kick Error the moment you lay your eyes on him.

"HUMAN!" The sound of Blue's voice caught your attention as you look up at the bubbly skeleton. Blue had his gloved hands stretched to you as he held a plate of tacos. Since when did he have that? "I MADE TACOS, DO TAKE SOME!"

"Thank you, Blue." You smile at him as you grab one of the tacos off the plate. Blue's face turned slightly blue at your smile, but you shrugged it off. You learned to not question the monster's weird antics. You inspect the taco as Blue shuffled back to stand with the rest, a proud smile on his skeletal face. Wait, is that glitter? You look up at the three skeletons that stood near the kitchen. Ink holds an apologetic smile on his face, quickly looking away once you made eye contact with him. Stretch only smirks as he eyed you and the taco in your hand. You gulped.


You glance at Blue before looking back at the taco in your hand. You take a deep breath, bracing yourself, before taking a bite from the taco. Your face scrunched up in disgust as you ate it. You tried your best to hide your disgust as you took another bite. It's just as bad as your horrible cooking. Seems like you two got something in common. "It... It's great... Blue."

"OF COURSE IT IS, HUMAN, I MAKE THE BEST TACOS!" Blue struck a pose, sparkles appearing around him. You wonder how he did that.

"Bro, I'm sure the human is thirsty, go grab her a drink." Stretch smiles lazily at Blue as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. His slouched position reminding you of yourself just this morning, or was that yesterday? You have no idea how long you've been unconscious in the void. You hope Jenny isn't all too worried about you.

"YES, OF COURSE! AS A SOON-TO-BE MEMBER OF THE ROYAL GUARD I MUST TAKE GOOD CARE OF THE HUMAN!" Blue smiles brightly before running out of the building. He could've gone to the kitchen but you decide not to question his antics. Stretch walked over to you and grabs the taco from your hand, teleporting the piece of food to who knows where. Of course, he could teleport stuff, why wouldn't he.. You mentally groan at all of the confusing things that keep on happening. Your brain is definitely overloaded at this point.

"Thanks, Stretch." You smile up at the tall skeleton, being more than glad that you didn't have to eat the whole taco.

"No problem, kid." Stretch decides to flop down on the couch next to you. The impact sending a wave of pain through your back. You keep quiet though, not wanting to look more pathetic than you already look.

Ink also made his way to you, sitting down next to you, though softer than Stretch did. "So, how are you feeling?" Ink turns to you, observing your hunched form.

"I'm.." you fall quiet for a second, thinking of a way to describe how you feel, "Confused, I guess. It's all just too much to process."

"I'm not sure why Error took you either, he normally doesn't take random humans." Inks' eyes turned into question marks. You tilted your head at that as you stared at his eyes. You had never seen anything like that before. God, monsters are confusing. You stare at the glowing marks in his eye sockets, watching as the glow pulsed in color. It's a beautiful sight. A glow filled with multiple colors spread on Ink's cheeks as you stare at his eyes, is that a blush? "U...uh... [Y/N]..?" Ink stutters out.

"Oh! Sorry!" You blush awkwardly as you look away from him, instead finding interest in staring at the floor. Ink chuckles awkwardly as he faces the tv, which is still showing the robot dancing. You aren't going to lie, it's actually pretty entertaining.

"Why do all of you look the same?" You blurt out without thinking, you didn't plan on asking that question at all but it seems like your brain had other plans. You nervously glance at Ink to see his expression, hoping he isn't angry. Ink only chuckled as he once again faces you, not showing any signs of anger.

"Well, basically, we are the same person, but we're from different universes." and.. there it is again, universes.

"Universes..?" You raise an eyebrow, getting more confused by the second. You could almost feel your brain going, 'Nah, fuck this' and just leaving. You wouldn't blame it.

"There are a bunch of universes with the same people, just different stories, personalities, all that" Ink tries to explain as simple as possible, which you appreciate, "We're now in Underswap, a different universe from where you come from. It was the first universe I could think of when I tried to escape."

Your eyes stood wide open as you stare at Ink, your whole mind going blank. "You're... you're joking.. right?" It does explain why every monster looks slightly different than where you come from, like mettaton. Yet it's no answer as to why they're in the Underground, are they a few years behind perhaps?

"He's not." Stretch watches you with an amused expression as he leans on the couch. He seems to be enjoying himself/

The pain in your head only grew as you tried to grasp the concept that there existed dozens of universes outside of your own. "So.. that means there are more versions of me...? And my friends..?"

"Well," Ink scratches his skull as he leans against the couch like Stretch, "Funny thing is, I haven't seen anyone like you in any of the universes. It could explain why Error took you, sorry for that by the way, I see no other reason for why else.." Ink trailed off, seemingly lost in thoughts.

You felt a harsh wave of dizziness hit you as you bury your head in the blanket that was given to you. You try your best to calm down all the thoughts racing through your head. You just wanted to go home.

"[Y/N]? You okay?" You look up to see Ink look at you with a worried expression. You nod your head.

"I just.. I just want to go home."

"Well, I don't th-"

"HUMAN! I HAVE RETURNED WITH YOUR DRINK!" Blue burst through the door, holding a glass of water in his gloved hands. Don't they have a sink in their home, and how did it take him so long? Blue runs over to you, miraculously not spilling any water, and presented the cup to you, a proud grin visible on his skull. He is the most adorable creature you've ever seen.

"That's great, thank you Blue." You smile kindly at the adorable skeleton. Another blue hue formed on his skull, the same one that appeared earlier. He quickly turned away to hide his face from you, which you didn't seem to notice. Ink shot him a look that you couldn't quite identify. Shrugging, you take a sip from the water, a content sigh escaping your lips. You really needed that drink. You feel someone's gaze on you so you turn, seeing Ink stare at you.

"Can I see your soul?" Ink suddenly blurted out.

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