[3] Tied Up

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The feeling you felt right before sleeping only seemed to have gotten worse when you woke up. Your heart feels like it is beating a thousand miles per hour and you can't seem to stop hyperventilating. Apart from the strange dream you had, there's nothing that could've caused this strange feeling that's coursing through you, which confuses you a lot. You only remember vague details from the dream, though. It involved the weird static you heard before you went to sleep. You were pretty sure you saw a monster in your dream too. Most of the dream was already forgotten, trying to recall any details was useless now. Curse your forgetful brain.

The feeling truly confuses you, you can't figure out why and what's causing it. Could it just be the stress of your school and work life? It would make sense but the feeling sure as hell doesn't feel like stress. It feels like you're in some sort of danger, like some type of fight or flight instinct. This confuses you even further though, what should you be running from? Your spaghetti?

You sit up and look outside. You've forgotten to put up an alarm again. Whenever you forget to do so, you always manage to sleep until noon. Outside, the sky is bright blue and the sun is already up and casting a bright yellow glow over your house and straight into your eyes. Groaning, you turn away from the glowing fire orb and rub the sleep out of your eyes. You throw your blankets off and shakily stood up, your bare feet hitting the cold wooden floor below you.

You decided it is best to put on actual clothes instead of staying in your pajamas all day and pad over to your closet, grabbing a pair of clean clothes. With a lot of struggle, you manage to get the clothes on your body. You look back at your messy bed and then shrug. The bed would have to clean itself. You were way too lazy to do it yourself. Have fun doing it, future you.

A car stops right before your house, grabbing your attention and bringing you back to reality. You look out of your bedroom window, seeing your one and only best friend, Jenny. A small smile forms on your face as you climbed downstairs and to your front door, opening it without sparing a second.

"You look energetic today, hun." Jenny joked sarcastically the moment the door opened. She gestures to your tired eyes and slouched body.

"'Eh, don't worry 'bout it." You tiredly mumble, not bothering to come up with an explanation regarding your tired stare. Looking behind Jenny, you see the one and only 'Jessie The Cloud Demon, as she liked to call herself, step out of the car. Her white cloud-like body shimmered under the sun as the feathers on her head stood tall in an excited manner. Her hair, which was made out of pure clouds, is tied into a bun. You have no idea how she managed to put her hair in a bun, but you decide not to question it.

"Oooh, where are you two going?~" You lean against the door, using it as support, as a smug smile forming on your face.

Jenny blushed as she glances back at Jessie, who also has a blush forming on her face, her cloudy hair turning pink along with it. You always found the way Jessie looked beautiful. Her form looks so ethereal like she's some sort of goddess. No wonder Jenny simps for her.

"We're going.... out..."

"I'm proud of you." You whisper to Jenny, who only blushed more in response.

"Anyways, you forgot somethin' yesterday." Jenny reached into her purse, fishing out a familiar-looking object out of it, aka your phone. How you managed to forget the very object you couldn't seem to let go of is beyond you. You probably were too stressed to even notice the disappearance of your beloved phone. "Hera ya go"

"I didn't even notice it was gone." You take the phone and shove it into your pocket, sending a grateful smile her way.

"'Ya gotta be more careful with your stuff, 'hun."'

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