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A loud voice echoed through his ears. He opened his eyes in a calm manner as the being in front of him was who he expected it to be.
"Did you have to scream Vanessa? You might wake up the whole house if u keep doing that" Vincent nagged the Latina as she frowned in sadness.
"Maybe if you would wake up on time I wouldn't do this so much!" She groaned back

"I prefer to sleep over than to go to school" He shot back yawning. He got his towel, school clothes and cream, and went to go wash himself.

Big Time skipppp

Vincent and Vanessa walked down the halls of their school observing some classes for the fun of it. Since they were part of the student council they could do what they want at any time. That's when they came across two large doors that had the schools crest latched on to it, the two golden handles were shining as of they were stars, the two walked in to be greeted with familiar faces.
"President you're here!" Shouted a tiny girl, he hair was a silk blonde that some would mistaken for gold, on her pigtails stood two bright pink bows. Her blue eye shone in delight as her president hugged he back.
"Vanessa what are you wearing..?" Spoke a female voice frown behind the two. She had long black hair that outstretched to her knees and dark ruby eyes.
"What do you mean?" Asked Vanessa clearly confused. Vanessa was wearing a red blazer that only a member of the student council wear, a black tie, a pencil skirt and so knee-high socks. The girl with black hair was gonna say something but stopped and just sighed.

So this is the first chapter and I have to go somewhere so yea

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