New kid

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The streets were crowded with people rushing from place to place. Mostly work. I took my headphones off to hear the commotion but it's not really that interesting. I walk a little more making it to a clearing with a beautiful gate protecting it.
So this is it...much more fancy than I expected...
Suddenly the gates slowly opened, allowing me to walk inside the school.

How the fuck is this a schoolThe halls stretched far and wide almost never ending as it was filled with students

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How the fuck is this a school
The halls stretched far and wide almost never ending as it was filled with students. I started to walk up until..

My vision blurred for a second and I come to realise someone fell on me. I look up to see a girl with ginger hair and green eyes. She's kinda cute

"I-I'm so sorry!" She squealed, stumbling up to her feet. I sit up rubbing the back of my head,wincing as I do so.

"It's fine."I answer bluntly.

"Wait..I've never seen you before, are you new?" She asks. I nod my head and she flushed red. She instantly starts apologising over and over again.
Jeez she's annoying
"Instead of apologising can u tell me where I can find the presidents office? I'm kinda in a rush" I huffed hoping she can just tell me then leave me alone.

"Yeah of course I can tell you! It's on the 7th floor, right when u get out it's there and I just wanted to ask what's your name..oh he left."

Yup I left as soon as she told me it was on the 7th floor I left, no way at I gonna stay here standing like bread
I made it to the 7th floor and instantly found the office. I knocked on the door to be met with a low voice telling me to come in. I walked in and there he was..he's beautiful
His dirty blonde hair glistened in the sun light as his long hair waved around, the wind caressing it. His perfect pale skin out did Snow White by a long shot and his lips.. god damn his lips.. They were juicy and pink just how I like them but one thing that intrigued me was the blindfold over his eyes
Can he see? Like at all?

"Hi there, you must be William Afton please take a seat" he told. His voice calm and soothing almost soft in a way. I came back to my senses and sat down in the seat.
" Right let's get right to it! William you'll have a dorm but don't worry you won't share. Here you go!" He spoke again.

He gave me a sort of key card.
"What's this for?" I asked I looked up and saw his cheeks light up pink.

"T-These are for your dorm room. In order to get in your room you have this, each person has their own one so no can steal from others and just incase we have cameras outside of your dorm room. "

After that he went over the basic rules and such.

" Right I just wanted you to know that you will have to pick your flux today. In order to fully enrol you need a flux." He told me, I wasn't paying attention at all, the only thing one my mind was I can he see?

"Any questions?

"What's your name?" I asked
"Oh how rude of me, my name is Vincent Winters" he said with a warming smile. I smiled back happy with the little achievement I have just made.

"It's a pleasure to meet you...Vincent"

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